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How to drive traffic to your website using YouTube

Video is all the rage right now when it comes to internet marketing, both for driving traffic and for sales and conversions. YouTube has some pros and cons when it comes to using it to drive traffic to your website.

The main advantage is that YouTube videos can be embedded (placed) on other websites quickly and easily. This helps you get great exposure because your YouTube video can potentially be placed on hundreds, if not thousands, of websites for all of your visitors to watch too!

The main disadvantage of YouTube videos is that if someone is watching your YouTube video on your website or any other website outside of YouTube, a new window will open and the visitor will be taken to YouTube to watch the same video there. .

Now, if the person gets distracted, they can watch the video on YouTube and then continue watching other videos on YouTube.

Personally, I think the pros far outweigh the cons because…

1) The amount of influence you can get from your video being placed on multiple websites gives you much more exposure and potential visitors, subscribers, and customers than if you don’t use YouTube.

2) You can even share your YouTube video on your Facebook wall, Twitter timeline or via email.

3) Even though some of them will click on the video and be taken to YouTube and thus might forget about your website for a while. A percentage of them will also close the YouTube page, which will keep their page there, and they will “come back” to continue.

4) You have access to a lot of information within your YouTube account on your videos, including:

  • Number of views
  • Location of your viewers
  • Where and how your video is viewed (references)
  • You can even control to some extent how many people start watching your video by interacting with your YouTube channel’s friends and subscribers.

Therefore, it is key to build your fan base within YouTube so that your videos can be seen and go viral immediately! And within YouTube, the number of views, comments and likes have an impact on your ranking within YouTube. So, the more you build your fan base, the greater your advantage in your video ranking high because your loyal fans help you move forward by watching, commenting, and liking your videos.

So in my book, learning how to drive traffic to your website using YouTube is one of the best methods you can use and I highly recommend it.


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