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History of the cursed black eagle men

The eastern region of Nigeria is enriched with natural resources with good soil that is good for cultivation. The various tribes in the region speak a common language called Igbo. The people are warm and welcoming. Over time, crime broke into the streets.

Young people preferred to steal and kill to earn money instead of going to school. Parents worshiped money and wanted their children to be respected in society no matter what the means. Moral ethics collapsed. The young women made it through high school by engaging in various forms of exam malpractice. Many flirt by sleeping with criminals, fraud stars, drug lords, ritual killers, etc., to earn money. Things got so bad that people couldn’t sleep at night anymore because neighborhoods were terrorized by career criminals every night. The main thoroughfares were populated by bag snatchers and armed criminals seeking little money to buy crack and Indian weed. Bank robberies increased and ritual murders were common during the festive period. Things got out of control and there was a need to find a quick solution.

The government tried to use police force to fight crime, but instead the police contacted the criminals. They provided them with ammunition and took part of their booty. Innocent citizens became victims of the police. They were paraded as criminals and some were eventually shot dead without trial. The government spent so much money to equip the police, but they didn’t improve because they were highly corrupt. This led to the formation of the largest vigilante group in the region called the Black Eagles.
Black Eagles were single young men as young as twenty-one who volunteered to join the cult. There were no other criteria to select the members.

Most of the applicants were formal criminals who had shed blood and therefore were not afraid to take a person’s life, even if it was a member of their own family. They also had experience for the job because they understood criminal operations. After being initiated into the cult, they were given amulets to hang around their necks and wrists. With it, they could turn into air and disappear when surrounded by criminals who had great spiritual strength to challenge them. Everyone was warned to stay away from spiritual impurities like sex, hard drugs, and any form of corruption because it would weaken their charms. Any member who goes against any of the cult’s rules and regulations must die mysteriously. The Black Eagles were greatly feared and praised by all because they fought crime and brought peace to the region.

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