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Facebook Pros and Cons: The Benefits of Facebook vs. Its Cons in Advertising

It turns out that 80% of Google AdWords revenue comes from the top 1.4% of advertisers. That means the big corporate sponsors. I find this ironic and amusing, as it was us little guys who gave AdWords the power to get going. All people tend to do is fight for PPC, and it’s averaged that about 50% of your AdWords spend is wasted, seen by those who aren’t interested, and clicked invalidly. In fact, an average of 20% of PPC costs come from invalid/fraudulent clicks.

Facebook allows you to create a profile of the type of customer you want to advertise to and advertise only to them. Is named targeted people. By advertising in this way, you can reach a more targeted and broader audience. You have the opportunity to tweak your ads to appeal to specific demographics, rather than having an ad that everyone can see (as you would with Google). It is relatively very cheap at the moment. Their advertising platform is very strict with ads to keep the website social and user friendly. That means NO big spammy ads. This is a BIG turn off for many businesses, which is what makes it better for YOU, the smart advertiser.

Disadvantages of Facebook Ads

There is a problem with Facebook, that people are not going to buy, they are going to… well hang out. This does not mean that you cannot market them successfully.Instead, you should learn new useful marketing techniques to capture the attention of Facebook users. By doing so, Facebook advertising can be extremely profitable for you. This is an interesting aspect, because if you have the patience to learn these techniques, you are already one step ahead.

Since Facebook users aren’t necessarily looking for a gas-saving e-book, it’s crucial to grab their attention and hold it long enough for them to act, whether it’s remembering your name, calling you, or entering your contact information, thus becoming your Facebook user. latest track.

The first step to success = Get people to click on your ad.

You have to practice, rework, research and create an ad that will hold the user’s attention long enough to click on the ad.

The second step to success = Make people act

The website you send them to when they click your ad is a very important component. You have to decide what kind of action you want them to take when they land there.

Basically, this means you want them to see your name and remember it, or call your office, or enter their name and email to join your mailing list, or call for more information.

The third step to success = Tracking.

Keep old customers and, at the same time, acquire new ones. All these things may sound amazing, but it is something that, once learned, will be easy to do.


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