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Do you want to see blue Gourami in the best colors? Keep your mood in the best condition

The Blue Gouramis, like any other fish in the Gourami family, has a labyrinthine organ. So that they can take the oxygen bought from the water and from the open air. Naturally, they can survive in water with little oxygen. In case they are out of the water for some time, they can easily survive by swallowing air from the atmosphere.

As their name suggests, Blue Gouramis are silvery-blue in color. Its color changes according to your mood. So if you give them a good environment and feed them the right food, these fun pet fish will swim with graceful movements and bright colors.

Although they do not require any particular water temperature, you should keep the water temperature in the 70 to 85 ° F range. You should also be careful to clean the water regularly so that it does not become contaminated. To do this, you must also install a filtration system that will prevent the growth of unwanted elements in the water.

Since Blue Gouramis come from the Far East, they prefer a densely planted environment. They are typically found in canals, lakes, ditches, and swamps in nature, so still water is ideal for them. The water should be slightly acidic, especially during the breeding period.

They can live with almost all other species of fish, but you must be careful when introducing other types of fish. No larger fish should be introduced with them. You should also avoid species famous for their aggressive behavior.

There is one more important suggestion from me: you should keep one male in the tank along with many females. Males are famous for their territorial behavior and can start fighting each other for the area. If the pond is large and if you keep other species also in the same pond, you may have more males. In such situations, your tendency to fight for an area will decrease.

Blue Gouramis eating habits are not complicated. They will generally eat flake foods and live foods. However, during the breeding period, you need to provide them with as much live food as possible. They are famous for voraciously eating hydra, which poses any problem to produce pests in any aquarium. For this reason, many fishermen are willing to pay a higher price to get them.

The spawning of Blue Gouramis is very interesting to watch. The males will begin to build a bubble nest to protect the eggs. This is a starting point for your breeding process. Once built, the male will force the female to go under. Once the female shows her disposition, the male will develop his body around her to ensure that the sperm meet the eggs without any problem. As sperm can survive for only a few minutes, it is important to bring the female as close to the bubble nest as possible.

Hatching will begin in about two days and you will see the little youngsters come out and swim freely. At this point, you should remove the male from the breeding tank. The youngsters will grow up very quickly and become full adults within a period of two months. During this time, you should provide them with good food and keep the aquarium water very clean. You can safely transfer the adults to the main aquarium after this time.

Blue Gouramis love to be in a calm and quiet environment. Excessive noise or light bothers them and they develop stress very quickly. Therefore, you should install your aquarium in a quiet area and you should also avoid direct sunlight on it.


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