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Health Fitness

Being healthy does not mean dieting

The words “healthy” and “diet” should never be used in the same sentence or even in the same paragraph. Look, dieting is one thing and health is another. They are two completely different things, which many people do not know. See, 99% of diets make a person almost starve to death, which is not healthy at all.

If you want to lose weight fast, maybe a simple starvation diet is what you want. If you want to lose 5 to 10 pounds and really don’t care about being healthy, then a simple over-the-counter diet will do the trick. But remember, when you diet, you’re depriving your body of the nutrients and calories it needs. Also, remember that the first 5 to 10 pounds of weight loss is water and muscle weight.

Water weight is not a big problem, but it is temporary. Depending on your body and how much water weight you actually retain, you can actually fluctuate between 5 and 10 pounds in any given week, making these diets pointless. If, on the other hand, you lose 5 to 10 pounds of muscle weight, you’re in serious danger, and any weight you gain from not dieting will be fat weight.

Losing weight or focusing on it is where our society has gone wrong. Yes, we want to be slim and sexy and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But doing this in a way that harms our bodies is very, very bad. Dieting is not the answer, nor is losing weight. There is a difference between losing weight and being slim and sexy.

If you honestly want to become the best you can be, then you need to change your mindset. You have to stop looking at yourself and see the need to lose weight. Instead, you need to look at each part of your body and see where you can lose flab and increase muscle mass. It is this muscle mass, throughout your body, that will help you lose flaccidity and be healthier than you ever imagined.

If you diet in the sense of dieting; no, but you do need to start eating healthy. Eating healthy means eating 5 to 6 times a day with meals full of vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts and grains, and low-fat dairy products. Eating this way gives your body the nutrients and energy it needs to build the muscle you need to become that sexy you it’s dying to get out of.

In addition to eating right, you need to start building those muscles. The trick here is to work all the muscles, not just the small or major muscles, but all of them. The increase in muscle mass will increase your energy levels and confidence, but it will also boost your metabolism. Combining this along with a healthy diet will give you what you need to find that inner self. Even if you have a decent body, this lifestyle will help you maintain it throughout the years. There are things that happen to our bodies as we age that a good strength training program and healthy eating decisions will help you avoid. It’s time we stop neglecting our bodies and start taking care of ourselves like we take care of others in our lives.


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