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About Yeast Infection and Candidiasis: Prevention and Treatments

Yeast infection is the colonization of yeast fungi in areas of the body in such numbers and in such a way that damage or symptoms occur. Typically, the yeast invades only the body cavities and the lining of these cavities, but in severe cases it can grow into deeper layers of tissue.

Yeasts very often infect the vagina and external female genitalia. It also often occurs in the mouth, and is then called litter. The male genitalia can be infected, but usually with fewer symptoms. There may also be an infectious overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract, areas of the skin, and the nose. Young children are often affected in the diaper area, and this is commonly known as diaper rash. Diaper rash can also be caused by irritation from urine or feces, food allergy, allergy to washing media, or a combination of several factors.

Sometimes these microorganisms attack several areas of the body at the same time, a systemic infection of this type is often called candidiatis. A systemic yeast infection can develop into a serious condition in which the yeast invades the deeper layers of the skin, the deeper tissues of various organs, and even the bloodstream.

The systemic variant usually occurs in patients with poor immune defenses, such as patients with HIV, diabetics or weakened by systostatic medication or steroids.


Normally, species of the genus Candida, and especially the species Candida albicans, are the infectious agents. These yeasts are normally found in the body, but normal body chemistry maintains their numbers by friendly bacteria that inhabit the skin and body cavities, for example, lactic acid-producing bacteria (genus Lactobacillus). When yeast becomes infective, it often changes from a round cellular shape to a thread-like or branched shape that can develop into tissues.

A disturbed bacterial flora on the skin and body cavities can make it easier for yeast to overgrow and infect. The skin, external genitalia, and body cavities such as the mouth, vagina, and colon contain the bifidobacteria and lactobacteria types of bacteria, and these bacteria control the growth of yeast.

The use of antibiotics can kill these friendly bacteria and facilitate the growth of yeast. Overzealous use of antibiotics in children can cause chronic overgrowth of yeast in the body that will negatively affect health well into adulthood.

The use of corticosteroids can also make a person susceptible to seizure. Asthma patients using inhaled corticosteroids are often affected in the oral cavity.

Too careful hygiene, using bacterial killers, can kill friendly bacteria and cause a yeast attack. However, a lack of washing can also cause candidiasis.

If areas of the skin remain constantly wet or sweaty, Candida infections can easily occur, for example, in areas with small children’s diapers or feet covered by tight shoes during long walks.

A diet with excess sugar and other carbohydrates can nourish yeast and cause infectious yeast growth.

Mental and physical stress can decrease the effect of the immune defense against yeast and make a person more susceptible to attack.


Candidiasis on the female genitalia causes itching or burning sensation in the vagina and labia, red rashes on the external female genitalia, and a foul-smelling whitish discharge. The discharge may also be the only symptom.

Attack on the male genitalia often produces itchy sores around the base of the head of the penis. A whitish odorous liquid substance may also be present that is different in consistency from the white smegma normally produced by glands in the same area. Red, scaly rashes may occur on the external genitalia and especially on the underside of the penis.

In the mouth, thrush produces sores covered with a whitish coating that causes itching or burning pain, which is called scum. There may also be white or yellow coatings on the tongue with no sores underneath or other symptoms. Cracks are often seen at the corner of the mouth.

The attack on areas of the skin will give symptoms such as rashes, itching, sore areas that ooze fluid and blisters. The symptom will most often be seen in areas such as the lower shoulders, the inside of the elbow, skin folds, the pelvic region, and other areas that are somewhat hidden.

Candidiasis in the digestive tract can give symptoms throughout the digestive tract from the esophagus to the anus. Symptoms that may occur are trouble and pain swallowing, breast pain, bloating, cramps, excessive gas production, diarrhea, itching and sores at the rectal opening, and lactose intolerance.

An overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract or a generalized attack produces substances that can poison the whole body and give symptoms also in parts of the body that are not directly infected, such as: rashes, hives and itchy skin, allergic reactions in many body parts, fatigue or lethargy, muscle weakness, bone pain, and nerve symptoms.


Candidiasis is often diagnosed with a swab from the affected area. The sample is then cultured to investigate the microbial flora. Bacterial infections often give the same symptoms, especially in the vaginal area, and the sample will also help decide the cause of the symptoms.


Vaginal yeast infection is usually treated locally in the infected area with anti-leak agents such as clotrimazole (Canesten), nystatin, fluconazole, ketoconazole, tioconazole (GyneCure), terconazole (Terazole), monazole, miconazole (Monistat, Micozole), butoconazole (Femstat), and violet. of gentian.

For vaginal infection, tablets, creams or ovules containing one or more of these substances are usually introduced into the vagina. Men who have genital candidiasis or sexual partners of infected women can be treated with local cream based on the same substances.

Some of the drugs, such as fluconazole, are also used orally as a systemic medication.

For more severe cases, the substances amphotericin B, caspofungin, or voriconazole are often used.

For localized infection, for example in the vagina, pharmacological products usually remove the infection very effectively.

However, these products do not eliminate susceptibility to new infections and may be less effective when the infection spreads more diffusely.

Lifestyle measures and natural supplements can be helpful in reducing susceptibility to yeast infection and help cure when standard treatment fails to meet this goal.


– Garlic helps kill yeast and can be used as an oral remedy for yeast infection.

– Rinsing with a boric acid solution can help kill yeast and rinse body cavities. Boric acid-containing suppositories can also be used to kill yeast in the vagina or anus.

– Diluted tea tree oil can help with vaginal candidiasis using it locally.

– Caprylic fatty acid can kill yeast, and a supplement of this acid can help against yeast infection.

– Propolis is an antibacterial substance made by bees. An oral supplement or local application of a propolis solution has been shown to be helpful against yeast infection.

– Cranberry juice helps fight bacterial infections in the urinary tract and can also help kill yeast by making urine more acidic.

– Lactoferrin is a protein that can bind iron and keep it away from pathogenic bacteria and yeast, and this will impair the growth of these organisms. Protein is found naturally in milk and in the secrets of many parts of the body. It is a part of the natural defense against microbes.

– Products containing seeds of beneficial bacteria (lactobacteria and bifidobacteria) can help restore normal bacterial flora and be useful against fungal infections. Friendly bacteria make it difficult for pathogenic microorganisms to grow. Such seeds are often called probiotics. There are probiotic products for both oral and local use.

-Yogurt contains seeds of friendly bacteria. Consuming yogurt can help normalize the microbial flora in the digestive tract and in the genital area. Yogurt can also be used as a local remedy, for example, in the vagina.


Many lifestyle measures can be used to prevent yeast outbreaks and help cure chronic yeast infections.

– Excessive consumption of carbohydrates should be avoided, and avoid consuming carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed or used, such as pure sugar, refined flour and bread made with refined flour. Instead, the use of whole corn, bean, and pea products containing carbohydrates that are used gradually is recommended.

– The entire body, including the genital area, should be washed or bathed daily with mild soap or pure water.

– Antibacterial agents should not be used when washing the skin, genitals, rectal opening or oral hygiene. For intimate washing, the best is pure water.

– Unnecessary antibiotic cures or steroid medication should be avoided.

– Stressful elements and habits in daily life should be avoided. Meditation is a good method to stress yourself out.

– Clothing and shoes should be ventilated so that moisture does not accumulate on skin surfaces or in skin folds. Moist areas of the skin should be washed and dried regularly when moisture cannot be avoided.


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