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Simple and effective tips to stop stuttering

You may be surprised to know that almost one percent of the total world population stutters. Stuttering is a condition for which there is no medical cure and more men than women tend to be affected by it. There are several methods that can be learned, which will help you get rid of it and allow you to speak fluently.

The condition normally starts from childhood and as one progresses towards adolescence, it disappears. But if you are not one of the lucky ones where the stuttering disappears on its own there, there are techniques that will teach you how to overcome this problem.

Let’s see some simple and interesting tips on how to stop stuttering.

  • Did you know that singing the words, instead of trying to speak, helps to stop stuttering? You may think of it as a strange idea, but when you practice it, you will be amazed at how effective it is.
  • You can get a book and try to read it to your family and friends. It will help you brag about your confidence levels and with practice it will stop your stuttering.
  • Before you start speaking, visualize the words you want to use.
  • Speak slowly and clearly. Do not rush through the exercise, which will only increase the pressure.
  • If you’re about to say a big, difficult word, take a deep breath before you begin. If possible, try to break the word into smaller parts, so you don’t end up with just one word.
  • If you think chewing on something when you talk helps control stuttering, give it a try.
  • Try to speak very loudly or in a whisper. Both methods will help to eliminate stuttering.
  • Holding your breath while speaking is a big mistake; this will only worsen the condition. Try to speak when you exhale.
  • Stuttering gets worse when you are tense. Calm your nerves before you start talking. You can also try meditation for this purpose.
  • Pause and collect your thoughts before speaking. This will help you speak in a relaxed manner.
  • Don’t try to say a very long sentence in one breath. Speak one word at a time and slowly complete the sentence.

All these wonderful tips will help you get rid of stuttering. At first, it will be difficult to put these tips into practice, but with practice, you will be able to overcome your fear and become fluent. All you need is patience and will to overcome this condition.


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