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Saturn in the natal chart: another look at this old devil

This is the second in a series of articles I have written in my attempt to bring Astrology to Earth by describing what each planet represents and the role it plays in your Natal Chart. A whole book could be written about each planet, which most of them have been, however I am trying to convey the essence of each planet so that those who are interested in understanding their own natal chart can grasp the basic meaning. and better understand each planet.

Saturn the Summary

In the past, astrologers have given the planet Saturn a bad rap, calling it ‘the great ‘Malefic’, because it has represented delays, frustrations, setbacks and sheer hard work. Although I do not deny these characteristics of Saturn, since he is a master of difficult tasks; however, also an excellent teacher. The most important thing to remember about Saturn is that its goal is to make us independent and self-sufficient. In essence, making us stand on our own two feet. The lessons Saturn teaches come from our own experiences, usually through trial and error, but eventually we learn some valuable lessons from them. It can be hard to live through these difficult Saturn times, but when you can look back and say ‘that was good for me,’ and when you realize that you have developed a deeper understanding and maturity, only then will you be able to appreciate what Saturn has done for you..

What Saturn represents in us.

Saturn symbolizes our physical need for self-protection and self-preservation. The basic need for food and shelter, and the attainment of these, is driven by the need for a physical sense of security that is within us all. This is the energy of Saturn, to maintain, build, preserve and protect. As the planet of the ego, Saturn gives us our physical sense of self, which we get through our body. This also needs to be maintained and cared for, and at this basic level, Saturn within us is the monitor of all our physical and survival needs.

Saturn represents the ‘Mother Principle’ in the natal chart.

Because it is a ‘feeling’ planet, many astrologers associate the Moon with the ‘Mother Principle’ but, in Astrology/Psychology, we put Saturn in this role. This is because it is usually the Mother who teaches us the basics of how to take care of ourselves through washing, teeth cleaning and general grooming. It is she who gives us limits by teaching us manners and how to fit into the structures of society. The figure of the Mother is our first teacher that she also protects. ‘Protect’ is a key word for Saturn. By sign, house, and aspect, Saturn in the Natal Chart often describes the influence of the Mother in our lives.

Saturn in the Natal Chart.

Saturn represents caution and protection wherever it is placed in the Birth Chart. Its placement can indicate limitation, delays, frustration, duty, responsibility, inadequacy, and fear. No wonder he’s been called “the Great Malefic”! There is no doubt that there will be lessons to be learned and obstacles to be overcome wherever Saturn is placed in the Natal Chart. However, if we can heed its message, it can also be the area where we find self-mastery, independence, achievement, and success. Indeed, he is a master of difficult tasks, but it is from the principle of hard work and persistence that we become efficient. Saturno is professional and will not let you take any corner. Failure can make us feel bitter and resentful for the feeling of ‘not making it’, even after all that hard work! This is an ideal time for reflection.

Saturn the teacher in the natal chart

On another level, the placement of Saturn in the Birth Chart shows us what we most need to learn. The House indicates the scope of life and the Sign can indicate the innate challenge. Because Saturn is related to issues of survival, you can understand the fear that still resides in our collective psyche. Saturn is also known as ‘Old Father Time’. Therefore, the Sign can show what fears and anxieties, from the past, need to be worked on and released.

I’ll use the element instead of going through each sign to give examples.

Remember, Saturn is about protection and caution, therefore Saturn in a water element (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) can manifest as cold or unfeeling. However, it has more to do with emotional repression, as he or she may have had to protect her feelings in the past and have built up a defense system to protect her. Perhaps the lesson for this person is to learn to express her feelings and to feel safe and confident in doing so. This could be a tough fight and the task of a lifetime for watery Saturn.

In a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius), the entire ego identity could be wrapped up in Saturn, making you rigid, proud, and self-centered, so fear of failure or vulnerability could negate your true self-expression or creativity. Becoming aware of your own barriers could go a long way in allowing your fiery energy to flow.

An ‘Air’ Saturn (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) might restrict some form of communication, through learning or speech. This could get in the way of some important goal or desire that he or she wants to achieve. Here Saturn would also provide the drive to work on any insufficiencies or hone any commutative skills.

On Earth, his own element (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn), Saturn will work hard for material gain or a sense of status. Locked away in the material world, a person could literally be ‘worked to the bone’ and could suffer the onset of health problems, arthritis or old age before they finally see the light.

On this psychological level, Saturn is all about facing fears and removing old structures, before creating new ones built from the insights and efforts gained from your own life experience.

We need to accept the challenges of Saturn

Saturn is the Master of the physical, the Lord of the Earth plane and when you have established your own roots meeting all the needs of survival and beyond your own achievements, you will have pleased Saturn! It is then that Saturn returns to you his wisdom and maturity that enable you to teach others.


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