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Foods that induce lucid dreams

There are many methods available that promote the occurrence of lucid dreaming. Eating specific foods (also known as “lucid nutrition”) before bed is one of the most successful methods of inducing them. This is a list of the three best lucid foods and liquids to ingest. To achieve the best possible results, remember to eat or drink immediately before sleeping.

Orange juice

Orange juice or any other pure fruit juice without additives keeps the nervous system active while the muscles of the body relax. Drinking a full glass of juice will allow for more vivid and memorable dreams, which will ultimately increase the chances of having a lucid dream.

Milk and cheese

While milk and cheese (or any other dairy foods) are known to help your body rest, they also greatly improve your dreams. Milk and cheese contain amino acids that have been shown to stimulate the production of a vital sleep and dream neurotransmitter, melatonin.


Various sources have reported that eating a tablespoon of mustard will promote a higher lucid dream success rate. It may take up to three attempts to be successful, so it is important to be patient if the method repeatedly fails.

Other foods include pickles, ice cream, popcorn, and fish. While they are not as successful as the three foods and drinks listed above, some have suggested that they will improve your overall dream memorization and “train” your brain for future naturally triggered lucid dreams. However, it is not recommended to use them immediately before sleeping as they contain fatty acids, salts and sugars that certainly do not help you get a good night’s rest.


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