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7 Free Google AdWords Tools You Should Try

There are so many PPC tools out there that it can sometimes make your head spin. That is the reason why I have compiled this list. Here are 7 free Google AdWords tools you should try. They are all incredibly useful and of course free.

1: Free AdWords Performance Qualifier

This is a free WordStream tool. Scrupulously audits your AdWords account in less than a minute. This tool can provide you with valuable information and feedback that can help you improve your campaign performance and lower your costs.

2: Google Keyword Planner

Google Keywords Planner is an absolute must for anyone who wants to be successful with AdWords. With this tool, you type in a vague search term, then it returns a lot of data about potential keywords you might use and your search traffic. I’d be surprised if you’re not using it already, as it’s available and very effective.

3: AdWords Publisher

AdWords Editor is the desktop version of AdWords. Its appearance and practicality is practically identical to Google AdWords. However, because it is located on your desktop, it is able to run a bit faster. It’s a must if you have a lot of work to do on a particular campaign or if you’re managing multiple campaigns at once.

4: Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows you to track the statistics of your campaigns in great detail. It’s useful for optimizing your AdWords campaigns and tracking their effectiveness.

5: Google Trends

Google Trends is especially useful for businesses that are seasonal in nature. It allows you to see what terms are searched for over time. This gives you the ability to fine-tune the terms you’re advertising by tracking what time of year each particular term is most searched for.

6: Google AdWords App

This AdWords tool is great if you have to work on a campaign on the go. It is now available for both Android and iOS. The app allows you to adjust your keyword bids and enable/disable campaigns, ad groups, and ads. For now you don’t have the ability to create new ads or campaigns, but as Google is constantly evolving, that could be just around the corner.

7: Google Analytics App

This app is similar to Google Analytics, however it has much less depth. However, it’s still very useful, allowing you to quickly check stats and reports while you’re on the go.

These tools are incredibly useful, even essential to a successful AdWords campaign. If you’re not already using them, 2016 is a good time to start.


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