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5 reasons why a ferret is better than a cat

Perhaps one of the lifelong questions regarding pets is which is a better companion, the ferret or the cat. There are actually a lot of things to consider on this topic, however, here are five reasons why ferrets make better pets than cats.

1. Cats tend to be independent and quite calm, sometimes they even limit themselves to interacting with people. However, ferrets are energetic and lively. They certainly like to play games and can even make your day that much happier and more fulfilling. It is in the nature of ferrets not to be afraid of humans, making them capable of interacting and playing. So if you want to have a pet that you can always play with, ferrets are the right choice for you.

2. Although cats can be calm animals, they need to be fed at regular times. And as you get into the habit of feeding them, they become much more dependent and territorial with your food. You may notice this after a long time of having a cat that can come to you whenever you want to feed it. Although it may be fine for the first few times, it can certainly be annoying afterward. On the other hand, ferrets, even if they have a special diet, only eat what they can. This means that they do not eat as much food as other pets. As they are quite small animals, they only eat food in small amounts, which makes it an advantage for you.

3. Ferrets make excellent pets even with allergy sufferers. The fact that ferrets do not lose hair means that their presence in your home is totally safe for anyone allergic to pets. Also, since ferrets do not shed hair, it also means that they require less frequencies to vacuum your home. It is definitely the opposite with cats that lose a lot of hair and can even create hairballs during the process. It can even cause you a lot of trouble if someone in your household is allergic to them. Also, its shedding requires you to vacuum more frequently to clean its hair.

4. Ferrets are better hunters than cats, there is simply no argument about it. An additional advantage of having ferrets at home is that they have the natural ability to chase pests within your home. This means that if your home may be infested with pests such as rodents, you are sure that your ferret will definitely be of great help in hunting them. Although cats have long been recognized as enemies of mice, it doesn’t necessarily make them good predators. It is true that you have a better chance of catching prey with a ferret than with a cat.

5. Unlike cats that don’t want to be caged, ferrets can absolutely stay in cages. This will make it easier for you to prevent accidents and destruction that may occur if you are not there. Also, since you can keep your ferrets in their cages, it reduces the litter that can be scattered around the house. It will give you less responsibility to clean up the mess afterward.

These are just five good reasons why ferrets make good pets than cats. However, in the end, the choice is still yours. So before you finally decide which ones you like best, first weigh the pros and cons of having a ferret or cat at home.


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