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10 reasons why you shouldn’t get a job

Jobs are great for some. Chances are, if you’re an entrepreneur, the idea of ​​getting a job in the “rat race” seems like a very unappealing idea. Millions of scams on the Internet advertise that you can earn thousands of dollars a week simply by signing up for their program. The reason they are successful is that many people realize that having their current job is not living their dream and they hope this is an easy way out. They feel that they are not living fully. They are not LIVING ENDLESSLY. However, if you’re reading this far, I know a thing or two about you. One, you have enough knowledge to know yourself well enough to think “I can afford to live a lifestyle on my terms.” Two, you’ve realized that working for someone else isn’t working for you, and you’re ready to explore your options. No More Wait – Top 10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Get a Job.

10. You don’t like to feel possessed. Many people do not like the feeling of being completely owned by another, inherently we have a sense of independence. Jobs provide a false sense of “job security.” Job security is not being able to be fired at a given moment at the will of another.

9. Help the economy. Savings thrive in competitive environments. When imagination and ideas flourish, societies improve. Entrepreneurs help the economy by fighting monopolization with their ingenuity.

8. Your dreams will never come true. Many people perform the same activities day after day (largely due to employer restrictions) with no hope of achieving their dreams. Do you have a dream of traveling the world, not working every day, or starting a charitable foundation? Chances are you won’t win the lottery, take action today.

7. You are a leader at heart and you can make a difference if given the opportunity. Entrepreneurs are leaders within our society. If you want to make a difference and believe in this deep within yourself, step forward boldly and be an agent of change.

6. Allow self-development. Nothing restricts the development of the self as much as having a severe employer who takes the life of your potential. The mind and body are powerful instruments that we have, yet many go through life without the opportunity to use them to the fullest.

5. You don’t have a boss on your shoulder. Many of us don’t like being told what to do. Unfortunately, many bosses face problems asserting their authority due to some kind of lack of competence, inferiority, and a host of other leadership problems. This typically results in a poor work environment that fosters resentment rather than productivity.

4. Earn more money. When I was younger I worked at a country club. Who were the members? Almost all of the members (with the exception of some physicians) were business owners. Business owners control wealth within our society, you should be too.

3. Let capitalism work for you. Our economy is designed to reward risk takers, entrepreneurs, and those with an opportunistic drive. Our great country enjoys more economic success in all classes than any other country in the world. Take advantage of the ingenuity of “the corporation” and use its profits to create wealth.

2. There is not enough family life. Working for “the man” can bring down your family. Too much work puts pressure on relationships. If you don’t have enough time to spend with the people you love in this world, be proactive and make a change.

1. Trading time for money on someone else’s terms. Many of the points I’ve made go back to the point that trading their precious time (you only have one life) for someone else’s money is a system that doesn’t work for them.

There are many ways to create money and many more to discover. My challenge for you is to take that risk. Those who fail generally say they didn’t regret doing it, even if they end up back at work for someone else.


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