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Your resume lives on after you’ve landed the job!

It’s so easy to think that when you’ve sent out hundreds of resumes, those resumes just disappear into thin air. However, if he posts his resume online or emails it in response to a job advertisement, his resume is usually stored in a database. This database could be a job aggregator like Career Builder, or it could be an applicant tracking system for a company or employment agency. Just because you don’t get a response to your job application doesn’t mean nothing is done with your resume. The fact is that your resume is usually taken and stored for a long time.

What this means is that you need to be careful who has access to your resume and the information it contains. Many people eagerly post their resumes on a job aggregator only to be contacted for jobs they don’t want, like franchise opportunities or life insurance sales or other jobs that require you to invest thousands of dollars to get started. One thing smart job seekers do is create a separate email from their personal ones just for this purpose, that way your personal email won’t be bombarded with annoying spam. If the company is interested in you, they will send you an email. However, be sure to regularly check both your email and spam inboxes for messages from potential employers. You can even blacklist spam email messages that arrive at that account, to block most unwanted junk.

Putting your resume on LinkedIn is also another way to make your resume “live.” Since LinkedIn can be used as an online version of your resume, it will still work for you even when you’re not on an active job search (as long as you keep up with your profile and don’t ignore it). So, remember to always keep your LinkedIn resume up-to-date with all current information, skills, and job titles.

It’s important to remember that once your resume is “out there” in cyberspace, whether it’s on a job board or on LinkedIn, it will stay there until you delete it. Make sure you are very aware of this when you post your resume. You want to ensure that you are only using highly reputable websites and that they will not “sell” or “loan” your personal information to third parties. Be strategic about where you place your resume and you’ll get better results.


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