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Your health and apple cider vinegar

Organic amber

The nutrition of the apple is widely known. While many throw away the core when they eat an apple, I eat the whole apple and leave nothing behind, since the core contains the most important and beneficial part of the apple. Apple cider vinegar is an amber colored liquid made from apples and is a powerful cleansing and detoxifying agent. It contains minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, calcium, copper and iron. Cider vinegar is very effective in breaking down mucus, phlegm, and fat deposits in the body. With this process, it improves vital organs such as the liver, bladder and kidneys as it prevents excess alkalinity in the urine. Cider vinegar has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties and is very effective in neutralizing toxic substances that enter the body, thin the blood through oxidation, and improve digestion. Cider vinegar, when taken orally, helps with acid reflux problems, as well as high cholesterol, constipation, and heartburn.

Apple cider vinegar (or ACV) is a powerful source of potassium. Potassium helps replace immobile, worn, and fatigued tissue within the body and has been researched to help alleviate and alleviate cold and allergy symptoms. This is ideal if you live in a highly polluted area where allergies and sinus infections are rampant. Since ACV is rich in potassium, it can also help with tooth decay and split nails that are due to potassium deficiency. It also helps to clot and cleanse the blood. Poor health can occur due to a lack of salts or minerals that can invite toxin build-up and cause acne, boils, and blisters. Cider vinegar helps eliminate this process with its potassium-rich properties.

As a drink or by absorption, cider vinegar is believed to help with arthritis (applied topically with a warm, vinegar-soaked compress and applied to the joints). It is a very strong and bitter taste / smell so be careful and use a sweetener like honey when drinking vinegar. I like to warm it up by adding honey and a lemon wedge to drink as a tea. Most of the time I use a teaspoon of vinegar with at least two teaspoons of honey when I make this tea.

With most plants, potassium deficiency in the soil can be a problem that results in anemia that affects growth. Cider vinegar is known to be a useful source of potassium that helps with health and size. The acidic properties can only help deter pests and insects. Flies and insects do not like the smell and if used as an atomized spray (ACV medium or full concentration), it can deter these pests. I have seen and heard of successful results using medium strength ACV on dog and horse coats, leading me to believe that it would be effective on any pet when it comes to repelling insects, ticks, fleas and bacteria or simply create a shiny coat. In addition, pets benefit from the consumption of ACV. For example, I would give a small (toy) dog about 1 teaspoon of ACV three times a day and a larger dog two to three teaspoons. Of course, with the bad taste, it should be mixed very well with food or drink.

Apple cider vinegar gives new meaning to the term “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The cures reported from consuming apple cider vinegar are numerous and I am fully convinced of its positive effects on and within the body. It makes sense that apple cider vinegar reduces the effects of aging and promotes a healthy lifestyle. You can make ACV at home using apples, yeast fermentation, and acetic acid fermentation. The following site offers a detailed description of how to do this:


All content in this article and all articles I post should be viewed for educational and informational purposes. As always, I suggest that before adopting, using or applying this content and information, do your own research and find out if it works or will work for you. I have not adequately investigated the combined effects of prescription drugs and / or unnatural chemicals with apple cider vinegar or any other natural remedies discussed in this article or on this website. Although I have known cases and people who have used ACV while taking prescription drugs without negative reactions, this does not mean that the same applies to everyone.


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