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Why are Indians good at math?

Historical background

India has made significant contributions in the evolution of Mathematics. Aryabhatta, Brhamagupta and Bhaskara II are some of the famous mathematicians of ancient India. The concept of zero and the decimal system come from India. Significant work was done in the field of algebra and trigonometry. There is Vedic Mathematics which teaches various calculation techniques through sutras (rules). The growth and development of mathematicians would have trickled down to the general population, making them interested in and adept at calculations.

Socioeconomic factors

Another factor is the socio-economic circumstances of India. Historically, engineers and doctors were the only professionals with lucrative job prospects. The number of seats in the universities for these two streams was limited. To be admitted to engineering or medical school, a student must pass a very difficult entrance exam with an emphasis on the subjects of Mathematics and Science. Only the best of the best can be admitted to a renowned college or university. This led parents, students, teachers, and the school system to focus on doing well in math and science.

Rigor of Mathematics

Children learn multiplication from early childhood. Every night you recite the multiplication tables. This practice makes children good at mental calculation. As they grow, they begin to learn mathematical rules and formulas. The Indian methodology is based on learning and practice. Children are made to solve many problems on each of the math concepts so it becomes second nature to solve the problems. Unlike the American system, the Indian educational system does not place much importance on creative thinking and deep understanding of the subject. There are advantages and disadvantages to this approach. Pro is that there is less fear of mathematics: you become mechanized in calculations and problem solving. Being good and fast at basic math makes it easier to learn more advanced concepts. The downside is the lack of innovation and creativity. But in a country with a population of more than a billion and not enough educational or job opportunities, being good at taking a test is essential to the short-term goal of getting into a career.

Computer industry boom

This blow towards math and science and knowledge of the English language became great assets when the computer and software industry flourished. The US needed tons of software engineers. India had its potential base ready. The young graduates took advantage of this opportunity and took classes to learn programming languages, databases and other technologies. Being good at math generally leads to being good at programming and analytical thinking. People who didn’t get into engineering schools and graduated in Mathematics or Physics also started getting bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees in computer applications. Year after year, there are hundreds of thousands of Indians who come to the US, get jobs in the IT industry and make the US their home. When they have family and children, they apply the Indian method to their children who go to American schools. Indian children living in the US excel in math and science. This trend also applies to children from other Asian countries.

Mathematics in the US

In my opinion, American math books are very well written and illustrated. They explain the concept, history, and application of a particular topic. This gives a child a well-rounded education instead of learning the formula. However, the problem is the lack of rigor. Whether in physical or mental fitness, it takes strong discipline, regular exercises, and successive goals to improve and achieve. Math inherently needs practice. When you solve a math problem, it’s either right or wrong: there are no grades like average or fair. To solve a problem correctly and quickly, intense training is needed. If teachers don’t instill this discipline, students get more wrong answers than right ones. They get into the vicious cycle of ‘I’m not good at math-I hate math-Why do we need math’ and so on. If teachers can guide students into a regular schedule of math work, the circle can be reversed. They begin to solve problems, become enthusiastic and develop an interest in the topic. You will develop mathematical confidence and fear will disappear. After all, school math is not rocket science! If Indian students can be good at math, students from other countries can be good too.


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