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What is killing your creativity?

As freelancers, we are dreamers and we like to see our dreams come true quite often, but what happens when your creativity is nowhere to be found? Let’s explore some of the most common causes of a lack of creativity and some quick fixes to get you back on track.


Stress is a great enemy of creativity with the ability to absorb those reserves and make you feel terrible. Who can create while panicking over bills, a crying baby, or an ever-increasing pile of dirty dishes?

The solution:

Ask for help. It may seem like common sense, but many people forget to ask for help. Anything from dishes to childcare can be outsourced to help you better manage your current situation. If finances are the issue, you may also want to make a budget and stick to it during tough times to feel more in control.


All artists and athletes know that fatigue will ruin their performance. However, freelancers often burn the candle at both ends and stay up into the wee hours of the morning only to return to their desk a few hours later. This can cause your thinking to become muddled and leave you with little to no energy to get out of bed, let alone create.

The solution:

Get plenty of rest and go to bed at the same time every night. Keeping a regular wake-up time will also help you sleep better. Other ways to sleep better include avoiding caffeine in the late afternoon and avoiding working in your bedroom.

Pointless work:

We all have bills to pay, but if you take a job you hate, you’re much less likely to be successful. You may also feel miserable and anxious as you trudge through this endless job to get the money at the end.

The solution:

Provide value to customers who can help you get the job you love. Of course, it goes without saying that high-quality work will win high-quality clients. In my opinion, this is one of the best explanations of feeling good and finding meaningful work that I’ve seen so far from the amazing Charlie Hoehn.

In the end, it’s important to stay healthy, get enough sleep, and ask for help when you need it. If you still feel burned out, you may want to explore your diet or other factors in your work environment to find what works best for you. Creativity is often essential for self-employment, we hope that these tips will help you nurture yours.


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