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What is attractive to men? 5 qualities guys find irresistible in women

What is attractive to men? That is the one question every woman wants to know the answer to. We have a hard time understanding exactly how to attract the guy we are interested in. We take our cues from what we see around us and that is not always the best decision. If you try to transform yourself into what you think he wants based on what the media suggests men want, you may find yourself alone and confused. There are specific qualities that naturally attract men in a woman. Focus on these and he will be chasing you in no time.

Here are 5 qualities that men find irresistible in a woman:

Sense of humor. Men want to have fun and they love to laugh. They long to be with someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and is willing to laugh at the world around her and at herself. Find your sense of humor and embrace it. He will love being around you if you always make him smile.

Self-acceptance. You will never be perfect. None of us will ever be. That is just a fact of life. If you want to make yourself attractive to a particular man, just accept the woman that you are, flaws and all. If you are not constantly making excuses for your looks, your attitude, or what you do for a living, you will find it very attractive. Men are used to interacting with women who try to excuse their flaws. Do not do that!

Genuine compassion. For most men, one of the qualities that an ideal woman will always possess is compassion. They imagine that their future partner will have a heart of gold and that she will always put herself before others. Be nice to everyone, every day. This will not only show her that you are a good person, but it will also make you feel great about yourself.

Honesty. You may think you can get away with telling your guy a white lie, but you won’t. Men can see through a false front in no time. He wants to know that he can always trust you and that means you have to be honest with him 100% of the time.

Sense of adventure. No, this does not mean that you have to be willing to skydive with him. But you should be open to the idea of ​​a fun and interesting adventure from time to time. If you are not one of those who change spontaneously, you may turn it off. Men long to be with someone who is ready to get in the car at any time and go exploring unknown places. Show him that spontaneity is your middle name and he will want to spend as much time as he can with you.

Always make sure your best qualities shine through when you are trying to win the attention and adoration of a special man. If you put aside all those doubts about yourself, your true self will shine through and will not be able to resist you.


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