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Vaginal pain: 8 reasons why your vagina hurts and ways to relieve it

Vaginal pain: why does my vagina hurt? Good question and quite popular too. It’s not like it’s easy to hit my vagina like, say, my knee or my elbow, so why does it hurt? The vagina is prone to trauma no matter how well it is hidden.

Just because the vagina is hidden from view and covered with layers of cloth for most of the day does not mean it is safe. Some women tend to question that vaginal pain is related to something that is well protected and out of sight … wrong! As long as these women continue to ignore the vagina thinking that it is out of danger, many unnecessary problems can arise.

Taking a regular look to see what happens next will prevent longer treatment sessions with a GP if something is found to be wrong. Keeping an eye on the vagina should be the top priority at all times, do this and it will likely decrease the number of times you have to see a doctor for a cure if an abnormality is detected.

If the crotch is choked and the skin of the genitals is denied air, all sorts of things can happen. Itching, rash, inflammation, and infection are some of those mentioned. The skin of the vagina and anus needs to breathe, but continued wearing tight clothing will not allow it. Even the specific materials used to make underwear can cause problems.

If your vagina hurts and you are sure it has nothing to do with choking, other possible reasons for vaginal pain can also summarize some of those listed below.

1. No STD is pleasant, so ask yourself if tempting fate is worth the risk of having unprotected sex. Use a condom, and by doing so, you will avoid the pain and discomfort that an STD can cause. Not all STDs bring symptoms early, but when they do, be prepared. Depending on the severity and to what extent the stage of STD will determine how severe the symptoms will be.

two. Yeast infection, although symptoms generally include itching and irritation, the pain is known on occasion.

3. Cancer and growths: Pain is common if cysts, polyps, or tumors appear in the vaginal area.

Four. Expect discomfort if the sex is aggressive and long-lasting, or if it’s been a while since you’ve had sex. Also, if the man is well prepared to speak, the woman may suffer as a result. Not only can sex devices cause pain, but they can also cause harm if instructions are not followed accordingly.

5. Sexual abuse – Trauma to the vagina can cause the victim to experience pain.

6. Life change: Menopause is a common time when mature women are in pain.

7. Itching: Depending on what caused the itch, pain cannot be ruled out if an infection is included.

8. High: Although the discharge is normal and, although it is not common, some women may experience pain if it becomes irregular.

Natural options to help ease discomfort.

The word “natural” is used a lot to sell products to treat anything, however, there is no guarantee that going the natural route is a safe and healthy course of action to take if you have vaginal or pelvic pain.

  • Daily exercise
  • Take a hot bath containing natural herbs to promote healing.
  • Relax more
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until the pain goes away.
  • Put a warm compress on the outside of the vagina to soothe yourself.
  • Use a rubber boot to prevent an STD.
  • Cut down on sugar and use vitamin C instead
  • Lactobacillus reduces the chances of developing a yeast infection and is commonly found in yogurt. Persistent aches and pains should be evaluated by a physician.


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