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Top 10 Questions to Ask a Maine Coon Kitten Breeder

When looking to buy a Maine Coon cat, you’ll want to ask each breeder the same questions. Most breeders are more than happy to share information and answer your questions. They want to make sure their kittens go to a safe and responsible owner.

When you visit the breeder, look for active and curious kittens. Kittens may not necessarily approach you, but they should be withdrawn, lethargic, or apathetic. These questions will help you find responsible breeders and will also ensure that you get a quality, loving, healthy kitten. Do your homework. It is the first important step in pet ownership.

1. Do you show your cats? Legitimate breeders will say yes. Don’t dismiss this as a snobbish or unimportant question. Showing cats isn’t just for titles and awards. It is a way to connect with other breeders, learn about health issues, improve breeding programs and find emotional support.

two. Do you have a registered kennel? A registered cattery is important because it identifies the cat’s pedigree over generations. The breeder’s name remains in the pedigree forever. Cattery raises each kitten as a show cat, which means the cat is well cared for: brushing, bathing, nail trimming, and interaction with people at a young age. Show cats are bred for their calm temperament.

3. Can I see the pedigree? Legitimate breeders will be happy to show you the cat’s pedigree, including titles such as champion, grand champion, regional or national winners. Your kitten must have at least one, if not both, titled parents. This means that the cat has been judged according to industry standards. Since two major associations, the CFA and the TICA, do not recognize each other’s titles, you may only see one side of the pedigree in the CFA without any titles because they are strictly displayed in the TICA.

Four. What are the health problems or hereditary diseases? Beware of the breeder who says no. Legitimate breeders will educate you on the health problems of the breed and give you advice on how to prevent future problems for your kitten. Responsible breeders stay up to date on news, health issues, and changes in the breed.

5. When can the kitten come home? Breeders keep kittens until they are at least 10 weeks old and most keep kittens until they are 12 to 16 weeks old. Kittens need to bond with their mother during those first important weeks. If the breeder is trying to sell a kitten less than 10 weeks old, he is more concerned about money than the welfare of the cat.

6. Will the kitten be registered? This is a simple act that usually costs $10. The breeder will provide an official record once you have the kitten neutered and notify the breeder.

7. Do you offer a written contract and health guarantee? Legitimate breeders will provide a written contract with a guarantee of the kitten’s health. As with all contracts, please read it carefully. Typical requirements include keeping him indoors only, not declawing him, spaying him at a specific age, and not transferring him to another home without permission. State laws vary, but most warranties will specify the time period of the breeder’s liability and rules about sick kittens. Clarify any doubts with the breeder.

8. Have any of the other cats had any recent illnesses? In addition to making sure the kitten is currently living in a clean environment with toys, water, food, and warmth, you’ll want to know if any of the other cats have contracted a strain of cat flu.

9. What is the kitten’s personality? Depending on your home situation, make sure your new cat is comfortable around small children or other animals, such as dogs or other cats.

10 Will the cat have its vaccinations before coming home? Legitimate breeders can administer their own vaccinations, but a vet should also see the kitten to make sure it’s healthy. Your kitty should have at least one visit to the vet before coming home.


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