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Tips for Using Self-Control

Self-control is the key to maintaining a balanced outlook on life and avoiding sabotaging our relationships. Many regrets stem from a person’s inability to exercise self-control at important times. Interestingly, many times people are able to realize that they are not demonstrating self-control at the exact moment that they are doing something that they know they will regret later. Anyone who has ever said, “I may regret this, but…” is fully aware of this feeling. I wish more of us would hear it!

go with your gut

Trust your instincts. Your gut and the hairs on the back of your neck are excellent indicators that you may be about to cross whatever line you’ve set for yourself as the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Listening to your inner voice and following the instructions it gives you will always guide you to the right path.

control your emotions

Showing self-control is much easier when your emotions are in control and you are at peace. When life in general is chaotic, it is doubly difficult to remain calm, collected and collected. The more you can organize all the important aspects of your life; family, friends, home and work; easier it is to show self-control. Anger and frustration play less of a role in decision making when you are surrounded by order.

keep a cool head

Take five, or ten, or an hour! The expression that revenge is a dish served cold exists for a reason. When you take the time to assess a situation, even for a few seconds, before reacting too many times, you may find that your initial reaction was too harsh. We all hate leaving the toilet seat up, but a tirade won’t teach you how to leave it up. Taking 10 deep breaths before making a decision or speaking, especially when emotions are running high, can put things in a slightly different perspective.

clarity of mind

Maintaining self-control is much easier with a clear head. Alcohol and drugs (prescribed or not) can impair your ability to respond to situations calmly. A glass of wine with dinner or a cold pill when you’re sick is perfect. Overdoing it can get you in trouble. Responding angrily to a small mishap or misunderstanding after a full bottle of wine usually leads to many apologies later.

The role of self-respect

Self-respect and respect for others will generally lead to expressing control over your emotions and actions in almost all situations. When self-esteem is high, then the desire to live up to the standards you have set for yourself will guide you to make good decisions and steer you away from choices that lead to regret or the need to apologize.

Everyone benefits from good decisions

Demonstrating perfect control at all times and in every situation is almost impossible. But you can learn to improve your level of self-control and make better decisions over time. Your instincts will usually guide you on the right path. If you maintain a balance in most areas of your life, extending that balance to others, one by one, becomes easier.

Whether it’s avoiding that extra glass of wine, saying thanks but no thanks for the second piece of cake, or taking deep breaths so you don’t lose your temper; the more you step back and think about the consequences, the more positive your decisions will be. Apply self-control to your life and watch your happiness increase!


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