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Tips for dancing under the anointing

In my years of teaching and operating a ministry, I have seen many dance ministries where the Anointing of God was not flowing. This is the main reason why I always encourage praise dancers to allow God to take them through a process of purging and cleansing in mind, flesh, and spirit before taking their position on the battlefield as dance minister. . (Note that dancers should not be considered dance ministers until at least the age of 12 or when they fully understand how to dance under the Anointing.) This can vary from dancer to dancer, however, 12 is the age when a dancer can explain to you what it means to have a relationship with God, without sounding rehearsed.

Dancing Under the Anointing is about relationship, not a taught set of moves, not strong facial expressions, nor is it about repeating the move over and over again to drive the message point in the song. Dancing under the Anointing of God means that the dancer has a complete understanding of how to connect with the Holy Spirit to allow God to speak through them to the people. Even if they have learned choreographed movements, they will not have a spiritual impact on the audience unless the dancers know how to connect with the Holy Spirit. People have to see and feel the presence of God when they dance praises.

Let me share some important tips on how to teach your dancers to connect with the Holy Spirit:

Once a dancer reaches the age of 12, ask them to pray and ask for the gift of the Holy Ghost to work through the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Have your dancers submit a one page essay on why God has called them to dance.

Before teaching the choreography, have your dancers sit down and listen to the song so they understand the message or task.

Have your dancers tell you if it is a praise, worship, celebration, prophetic, or war message. This will tell them how to execute their moves.

Before practice, pray about the practice and have 15 minutes of praise and worship to help them focus. Pray outside of practice too. Prayer teaches dancers to put God first and invite the Holy Spirit in. Praying teaches them to protect themselves to go home and the rest of the week.

Have a regular Bible study with your dancers and teach them how to pray correctly, dance before God in your prayer time, and finally enter the Holy of Holies. This is where they will learn to worship and clearly hear the voice of God.

Before you minister, have your dancers fast for a certain amount of time. (Be sure to explain why fasting is important, and never stop them from committing.) On the day of the engagement, take communion, this is only necessary if God leads you in that direction.

Make sure you have searched God for a foundational scripture for ministry, even if it is under your church. Make sure it aligns with the overall vision of his ministry. This will tell you the purpose that God created for his ministry.

Never allow your dancers to minister if they have not grasped an understanding of what it means to dance in a relationship, unless God leads you to do so, and if this happens, make sure you understand why He approves of it. There is something He wants the dancer to receive, but he only does it if He guides him. Never because you like the person or feel sorry for him or because he begged you.


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