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The worst thing a parent can do to their child

The worst thing that parents can do to their children is to love them too much. They say love is blind, and it surely is. Too much love clouds things. It’s hard to see a mistake when it comes to love. This case is similar to that of an overly adored and dotted child. The father tends to ignore the need to correct that child’s transgressions because he doesn’t want to hurt his feelings.

• Children raised without a clear distinction between what is right and what is wrong grow up as bullies and are less famous among their peers. Such a child has a low tolerance for complete intolerance of other people’s opinion, portraying them as arrogant and rude.

• Teachers also tend to hate and tease these types of children. They treat them with the indifference of other children. They are less likely to be asked questions in class and this interferes with the child’s participation in class events. As a result, their overall academic performance suffers. One thing teachers hate is an indifferent child. A less settled child who is negatively overactive is a complete rejection of the teacher.

• Children are sharp beings. They can quickly identify a weakness and take advantage of it. Once they realize that you love them too much to punish them, they will make endless mistakes. They will embarrass you when and where you least expect it. They will pass on their incompetence to others and cross other people’s lines. His attitude and general vision of life are corrupted.

• It is not wrong to love your child. But remember to filter the love. Be aware of the child’s behavior and attitude as he grows. Teach them what is right and make them morally upright individuals in the future. Correcting mistakes does not make you weak. It is a show of strength and that you believe in your son. Don’t let mistakes accumulate. Punish, correct or discipline each mistake when it occurs. Yes, there are times that you forgive but only those committed accidentally. Make the way of disciplining a learning period but not a field to return to. Let the child realize that repeating a mistake is not smart. Help them understand life.

Love your baby as much as possible. Discipline them when the need calls. Listen to them but do not bow to their demands. That they understand that love and discipline is a package given as one. Remember that you are the parent, the adult, the one who has seen it all. But don’t overdo it to the point of dominating your child’s life. Let them make the decision and you are the one who will guide them in achieving the objectives set. Good luck to you, your child, and your parenting skills.


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