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The Verju Green Laser: Non-invasive Cellulite and Fat Reduction!

Is it even possible, a true reduction of cellulite and a true reduction of annoying fat deposits with measurable losses of centimeters, through a simple, completely non-invasive, 100% painless and convenient office treatment? The short answer is yes! The long answer should start with a short review of how this all happened.

The Zerona is a medical device that came into public use about 5 years ago. It is a low-level laser therapy (LLLT) device that uses a known red (635nm) surface laser, the so-called “cold” laser, which does not generate heat or burn as it shines on the surface of the skin (i.e. completely non-invasive and completely painless). However, the energy from the laser light passes harmlessly through the skin and is absorbed by the fat cells underneath, “tricking” them into melting! Based on more than 15 years of research and more than 20 peer-reviewed medical journal articles demonstrating its validity, the Zerona received 510 (k) clearance from the FDA between 2010 and 2013 for “non-invasive arm reduction. , waist, hips and thigh circumference “through fat reduction. Follow-up studies have replicated significant reductions in girth (such as a total loss of 3.5 inches vs. 0.6 inches for placebo!) As a result of a full course of treatments (usually a series of 5 to 6 sessions treatment) and with the results documented as persistent. long term for at least one year! It is not a temporary “redistribution” of fat or a temporary decrease in tissue fluids. The studies were conducted with participants who agreed to NOT CHANGE THE DIET, DO NOT CHANGE THE LEVEL of activity or exercise, and NOT receive complementary therapies on board in order to see what the true results would be due to the Zerona LLLT treatments alone. Results were often noticed as visible in as little as 2 weeks! Consider that the 3.5-inch total loss observed in the research subjects corresponds to a loss of approximately 12,600 calories! That’s the equivalent of 42 cheeseburgers or 72 cases of ice cream! 12,600 calories represents a loss of approximately 2000 cc (that’s 4-5 pounds!) Of pure fat! If you were exercising in an attempt to burn this many calories, you would need 40 hours of swimming, 18 hours of jogging, or about 21 hours of tennis.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) causes transient lipid-draining pores to open into fat (fat) cells just below the skin; there is no necrosis, thermal damage, cellular alteration, destruction or lysis. Lipid liquefaction is stimulated and stored fat slowly but surely escapes. All affected cells lose their fat, and as they become more and more emptied, the fat cells begin to collapse and shrink. These laser stimulated leaky pores remain open for about 48 hours or more, leading to more and more fat cells being emptied and shrunk for about 2 to 3 days after treatment. A well-known natural compound similar to the body’s enzymes, cyclic AMP, is the key to all of this. Absorption of laser light activates this enzyme switch, causing something called cytochrome C oxidase activation which then directly opens all the pores. This is the exact same mechanism triggered by aggressive diet or exercise! After treatment, microscopic histological studies show that the pores open. From then on, we can see and track fat cells, hundreds of thousands of them, all collapsing and shrinking as their lipids are released, followed by a 25% decrease in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. Dr. Rodrigo Neira’s research showed that pores open and fat cells begin to empty after just 18 minutes of skin exposure to LLLT. It also showed that although fat cells empty their contents, the cells are still viable and undamaged. Fat cells are involved in the production / regulation of hormones and many other key bodily functions. We don’t want them to be killed or gone, we just want them to be as small and empty of their fat stores as possible! Dr. Neira’s results have been independently confirmed by other researchers. MRIs have shown a fat emulsion (fat melt / drain) at a depth of 5.0 cm (2 to 3 inches) under the skin.

Have you heard of the Marvel superhero “The Green Lantern”? Well, we’ve named the Verjú device our “Green Laser” superhero, because Verjú is the next step in the evolution of this incredible and revolutionary non-invasive fat melting technology! The Verjú Green Laser uses a unique, low-level (532nm) green diode laser light (16mW) that causes as much discomfort to the skin as shining a flashlight on it (that is, none!). Verjú delivers approximately 25% more energy to open pores and melt fat into fat cells than any red laser (even the Zerona). This translates into a decrease in the total therapy time required on Zerona to achieve results. In a 2014 study published in the prestigious American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery, a total reduction of 4 inches in circumference was observed in just 2 weeks! Studies have also shown a reduction of 0.25 to one inch with just one treatment session. Only patients with significant advanced cellulite (Nurnburger-Muller scale cellulite classification stages 2 or 3) participated in the cellulite portion of this study. These patients demonstrated that at 2 weeks 65% had a significant improvement in their cellulite (versus a 3% improvement in the placebo group). At 4 weeks there was an 89% satisfaction rate (versus a 26% satisfaction rate in the placebo group). There are no known side effects with Verjú. The Verjú Green Laser does not damage any fabric at all. Patients can continue all their typical daily activities without interruption, meaning there is no downtime or recovery period of any kind!

How does the Verjú Green Laser work? As you relax, lying on a comfortable table / bed checking your email or watching a movie, 5 patterns of green laser light controlled by a computer dance harmlessly across your skin, absorbing the fat and cellulite underneath. Your waist, abdomen, hips, and thighs begin to shrink as fat melts away and cellulite subsides. The total treatment time is about 30 minutes. Read, sleep, talk on your iPhone – you can do whatever you want while lying down while it works. Subsequently, a galvanic lymphatic massage of each area is performed to help in the absorption and processing of dissolved lipids and fats. These lipids are processed in the same way that all lipids are normally processed by your body’s lymphatics and delivered to the liver, eventually burned as carbon dioxide. That’s right, you will literally be breathing in your fat! No pain, no heat, no frostbite, no discomfort, no needles, no injections, no incisions. Zero pain, zero surgery, zero downtime. Continue with your daily routine immediately after a treatment session. Although no changes to your diet or exercise are required, for the best results and maximum benefit, it is highly recommended that you optimize them as well. Where can Verjú work to improve cellulite and reduce fat? Stomach (abdomen), back / flanks, hips, thighs, buttocks, love handles, hips, arms, and cellulite pretty much anywhere!

These days there are more and more interesting news about the Verjú Green Laser. Leptin is a hormone released by fat cells. Leptin stimulates hunger and increases appetite. Preliminary studies of leptin levels after reduction of fat cells with Verjú green laser have indicated a reduction in these leptin levels. Other ongoing studies suggest that there are real and measurable decreases in cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL levels after a series of Verjú green laser treatments. And what news could be more intriguing to diabetics than the better Hgb A1-C levels, and better glucose levels were seen after Verju green laser treatments for cellulite and fat reduction!

The Verjú green laser was approved by the FDA 510 (k) in January 2014 for the non-invasive reduction of cellulite, as well as for the non-invasive fat reduction of the body contour of the waist, hips and thighs. The Verjú green laser appeared on the television show “The Doctors” in May 2014. To date, Verjú is the only non-invasive device approved by the FDA for the treatment of cellulite. The Verjú Green Laser seems to be a great and completely non-invasive way to reduce excess body fat and reduce the appearance of cellulite in a harmless and elegant way!


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