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The ins and outs of choosing a great domain name

Oh, the domain name. It is something that is so simple at its core and yet has the power to isolate an affiliate marketer from their customers if they are too complicated or not smart enough. Creating a website can take a long time, but have you given much thought to what your domain name will be? After all, your domain name is just as crucial, if not more so many would say, as your business name, as it plays a key role in generating traffic conversions and driving potential customers directly to your site. Web. A savvy affiliate marketer knows the importance of a good domain name – even a savvy affiliate marketer will follow these tips and tricks to make sure your domain name works for you and not against you!

If possible, your domain name should be your business name.Yes, it’s simple, but many affiliate marketers simply avoid having their business name as a domain name and instead go for something more creative. However, it’s important to realize that your customers will remember your company name before they remember your URL; So if they type your business name into the search bar and can’t find it, that’s a lost sale and money out of your pocket. Do some research to find out if your domain name is in use; if not, jump on that name quickly before another affiliate marketer beats you to it!
So what if another company is already using your company name and they are unwilling to part with the name even for a significant amount of cash? That is where these following tips come into play.

Avoid using generic brands.Let’s say you want to buy a car. You go online and get to the search bar. What do you write? Autos.com?

Definitely not. When people buy a certain item, they usually have a particular brand in mind. So make sure your domain name matches your product or service as closely as possible, as this is likely what potential customers and loyal customers will type into the search bar to find you. Also, the secret to choosing a good domain name is to put yourself in the minds of your customers: what will they type to find you? Answer this question successfully, and you’ll be in the money!

Long or short domain names? The jury is still out on this, but I personally think longer domain names are much more successful than shorter ones as you have the opportunity to insert keywords into your domain name. If potential customers search for you using a keyword search, you will appear on the first page of Google search results, and since most web surfers do not go past these pages, you will have a better chance of getting more traffic. to your website.

Be careful with your grammar.Again, the jury is out on this one, but sometimes grammar can make or break the difference between a successful website and one that wanders the vast World Wide Web. For example, some people prefer to use hyphens in their domain names as they can be easier to remember, while others argue that online surfers are much less likely to use hyphens when typing a domain name. Since studies have provided evidence for both sides of this equation, it’s really a matter of personal choice: to hyphen or not?

Point Com or Point Org? All this depends on your business. If you are running an affiliate marketing business that specifically caters to a local constituency, then it makes sense to use .org. However, if you want to attract business from an international audience, .com is the way to go, with few exceptions. Also, .com websites are more popular with search engine sites like Google and MSN, so if you want to rank high, consider a .com website instead of .org or .net.

Domain naming doesn’t have to be a hassle; in fact, if done right, you can drive even more pre-qualified traffic to your site, leading to the kind of green you’ve dreamed of since starting your own online business!


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