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The importance of building a list

How important is a list, your own personal list, when you’re building an online business? Well, it is the heart of any online business and without it, your business will DIE! An email list, when used correctly, is the most effective tool for earning online. All online sellers should definitely have this secret weapon at the ready. There is absolutely nothing like having a ready list of contacts that are ready to buy. These hungry customers are the ones who will bring money to your business by buying your products or services again and again. What does it mean to have a list? It means big sales, more traffic, link popularity, and repeat business. These are just a few of the many benefits that an email list will do for you.

Growing your email list is called list building. It requires consistent effort over a period of time to build this list into a good number of quality buyers. Before you go out and build your list you should ask yourself one question.

What is your purpose?

Why are you building an email list? What are you looking to win? Are you building a list to drive more traffic, market your product, or maybe share ideas? Your goal plays a role in determining your strategy for list building so you can align the two. Now that you have a clearer picture of your goals, we can move on to the next step of formulating strategies.

List Building Strategies

What do you have to offer? You can’t just go around inviting people to join your list unless you have something of value to offer your potential subscriber. One of your goals should be to make your subscriber’s signup worthwhile. Share your experiences and interact with the people on your list. Ask questions and be available to answer your subscribers’ questions and concerns.

Take every opportunity to interact with people, especially those who are in your field. This will give you the opportunity to invite these people to your list. You don’t want to have a bunch of contacts who don’t care about what you have to offer. Your number one goal is to have people who are genuinely interested in what you do. These are the people who are your potential customers. There is no point in having uninterested and irrelevant contacts on your list. Quality is as important as quantity.

Remember, just gathering contacts is not the end of the process. Retaining a subscriber is very important, but you have to continually offer them something. You have to remind them that you exist. Provide quality, fresh content and a constant instillation of interest in the minds of your subscribers, every time! Give them quality offers from time to time and send them valuable information that keeps them interested.

List building is a fantastic method of increasing website traffic, extremely good sales and high growth as long as you use it correctly. Your online success is in your hands!


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