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The fighting father

This man is an Anglican priest but with a difference. You don’t want to offend him, put it that way. Her online ministry helps serve the homeless / drug / delinquent street youth community in a unique way: teaching them how to fight to get started.

At the end of this article, I leave you with Father Dave’s Top 10 of why we should teach our youth to box so that they are less violent …

What conjures up in your mind when you think of an Anglican priest? Maybe a religious person? An old man pontificating while enveloped by the incense of the church? Or maybe a born again Christian singing ‘Praise the Lord in the highest’ and speaking in tongues amid the wailing and shrieks of Spirit-moved people ‘Toronto style of blessing’.

Let me tell you that although he wears a dog collar, this man is not a weakling. Father Dave Smith is the minister of Holy Trinity Dulwich Hill in Sydney, Australia. From his own biography:

“My mother died when I was 16 years old. It was the same day that I bought my first leather jacket. At this stage he had developed a rather passionate attraction to the ‘Sex Pistols’ and to the nihilism of the British punk scene. Although with my leather jacket and metal studs I modeled my character more in Dee Dee Ramone from the American punk group ‘The Ramones’ “.

We often neglect our spirituality. You can sign up for Father Dave’s free affiliate-only newsletter here. AN EXCLUSIVE WARRIOR FORUM:


Father Dave is the former worldwide Hapkido champion.

Now what is the difference between Father Dave and most of the people who use the internet as a shop or store? For one thing, visit Dave’s store here and hear the message. He’s honest, frank, and you won’t get better internet surfing. Only the best of the web, folks.


Here’s what others have been saying about Father Dave, folks:

“He’s just as comfortable hitting as he is preaching, which is so good for the hundreds of teens this struggling father figure has saved from a life on the streets.”

Greg McLean (Aussie Post) “This conceited minister has seen life from both sides of the court.”

Steve Lacey (Sydney Morning Herald) “Dave is a man of wonderful vision and never misses an opportunity to help others where he can … I consider myself fortunate to know him personally and to have him as a driving force in my area of ​​the Council.”

Barry Cotter (Mayor of Marrickville) “I am going to the man. I am going to the man of the man. I am going to the street, on the brink of collapse. I am going to a man of God who would rather see children throwing punches than hitting heroin in their veins. He Anglican priest, Father Dave Smith “

Jeff Wells (Daily Telegraph) “Father Dave has the gift of giving young people a sense of purpose.”

Councilor Dimitrios Thanos (Marrickville Council) “fists of steel, a kick like a mule, the head of a fox and a heart of gold”

Ross Willis (Courier from the Western Suburbs)

Father Dave also has two digital products available. One, ‘Sex, the Ring and the Eucharist’ was in the Amazon Top 500 on the day of its launch. I urge you to check them out. The second is an inspiring original from the ancestors of America. This is just what our spirit needs. Let Father Dave welcome you. You can even watch it in the ring if you want. Here are the links to Father Dave’s web pages:

‘Sex, the ring and the Eucharist’


US Civil War eBook Library

http://www.fightshop.biz/ezGaffurl.php?offer=samuk1000&pid=3> At first I promised you Father Dave’s Top 10 Reasons for Teaching Our Young Boxing. Are here:

When young people are in a disciplined training routine, they don’t have time to cause trouble.Even when they have the time, they are too tired to cause trouble after a solid night of training. Boxing gymnasium learn to accept authority Through fights competitive, young people learn to set goals for their lives Through the development of their physical abilities, young people develop greater self-esteem The training routine teaches them self-discipline Learning to control their response when they are hit, young people develop self-control Boxing training It is very cathartic for people who carry a great emotional charge or anger. When a young man joins a gym, he joins a new group of people who are not involved in drugs or criminal activities. THIS IS AN ORIGINAL BY SAM BEATSON. I MAKE COPY AND ORIGINAL HYPNOTIC SALES LETTERS FOR INTERESTED PARTIES …
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