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The Falls Shopping Center in Kendall, Florida

If you enjoy the unincorporated suburbs of Miami, you’ll love Kendall, Florida. Named after a British Land Company executive who surveyed and mapped many areas of Florida, Kendall is bordered by the Everglades, and actually has a lot to do, as well as some interesting pop culture trivia. For example, OJ Simpson settled in Kendall after being acquitted of the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. It is from this vantage point, with the help of a global network of informants, that he continually searches for the real killers. In that sense, former Attorney General Janet Reno has a permanent residence in Florida, which was built by her parents. It is carved from the living essence of the Everglades, and its ghostly aura occasionally lures unsuspecting travelers to its doom.

Beyond these interesting facts, Kendall has some fun destinations and activities. As is always the case in Florida, there are some nice shops and restaurants. Kendall is also home to the Miami Chamber Symphony, although for the moment its future is in doubt. Despite its waning cultural status, Kendall remains a consumer capital, with one of the most exclusive shopping malls in the United States.

The Falls Shopping Center Mall is like many other outdoor malls in that it features big box stores, movie theaters, and restaurants. Unlike other theaters, however, it also features covered wooden walkways and is decorated with tropical foliage around lagoon-like ponds. Even if you don’t want to buy anything, it’s a good place to walk around and window shop. Every Thursday, you’ll find great live acts on the center stage of the mall, and the many restaurants provide great dining opportunities. All in all, the Falls Shopping Center Mall is one of my favorite malls in Florida, and a great place to go if you find yourself in Kendall.

Naturally, I don’t have to tell you that to truly enjoy the experience, you should consider renting a limo from Millenium Limo every time you go to any mall (or indeed anywhere else). The comfort and luxury of the limousine blends seamlessly with the relaxation time you’ll have shopping, eating, and watching movies. Enjoy the falls in Kendall.


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