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Legal Law

The effect of speed on motor vehicle safety

Violation of the posted speed limit by motorists has become so widespread that there is tacit social acceptance of the practice. Speeding law enforcement cannot hope to identify and cite all vehicles that break the law, so there is a dangerous perception that one can simply hope to “get away with it.” While speeding is not the most common cause of car accidents, the unfortunate reality is that speeding unnecessarily increases the risk of traffic collisions and exposes those involved in these crashes to the threat of more serious injuries.

Auto accidents attributable to the negligence or recklessness of another driver, including those in which speeding was a contributing factor, may warrant the pursuit of civil action by injured accident victims. A successful lawsuit could help you obtain financial compensation for medical bills, vehicle repairs, lost wages, and other damages commensurate with the circumstances and the extent of the damage suffered.

Ways in which speed compromises road safety

The reason different speed limits are set along different parts of the road is to allow for the maximum safe speed given the path of the road and the surroundings. There are lower speed limits in school zones to protect children from being hit by cars. Higher speed limits on rural roads recognize that there is greater visibility and fewer potentially unexpected encroachments. Choosing to ignore the speed limit can compromise traffic safety in the following ways:

  • Greater impact force
  • Limited ability to negotiate shifts.
  • Extension of the distance necessary for braking
  • Shortening the time a driver has to react to changing road conditions


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