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The drug we call food

Food: the most popular pharmacist


I just read an article about ‘retire the phrase ‘real women’ which reminded me of a thought I’ve been having for the past few weeks regarding food. Every time I watch TV (which is not that often) I see supermarket commercials that refer to food and natural foods. Driving around cities, I often see similar references informing the public that they actually have natural foods in addition to the artificial products on the shelf. My goodness, when did food become a synthetic habit and not a natural requirement to sustain our existence? When I was a child, we spoiled our food; acknowledging the love that brought it to our table and the purpose it fueled. And from what I know, many people still offer grace before eating; however, I can’t help but wonder if that has become as much of a habit as the food being consumed because we are actually hoping and praying for ‘real food’.

Chemical products

Most of what we buy today is riddled with chemicals; additives, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, fillers, and the secret incremental ingredients NOT listed on the label because the FDA says it’s okay. Interestingly, there is a war on drugs; yet we eat the most unnatural foods ever known to man. It used to be that food was simple; combining various ingredients to create different taste experiences and complement other dishes. Unfortunately, due to hard times, food needed to be ‘stretched’, so we developed ways to do just that to feed our hungry families. It didn’t take long for the ‘man’ to discover the benefits of this money-making thought process; hence the birth of processed foods. While the intention was to be able to ensure that we didn’t go hungry, the result was the exact opposite. Today, we are a society of malnourished addicts fighting the misguided war on drugs.


I think it’s time we started telling things like they are. We crave junk food a lot because we are hooked on the chemicals that are used to make them. I learned this first hand with diet drinks. Many people claim to be addicted to sugar and/or caffeine. In fact, some have gone so far as to say that this is why ‘I have to have a diet soda’; I need my caffeine fix. I beg to differ. My diet consists of some of the cleanest food around, with the exception of the occasional soft drink; So why do I drink it? Because I am not different from any other human being; I enjoy life and occasionally partake in some things that taste good but aren’t exactly healthy. That being said, I am aware that when I don’t have my favorite drink for a while, I start to feel bad. I think this has a lot to do with having such a healthy diet. As soon as I enjoy a sip or two, I start to feel a relief. I know for a fact that when I have a cup of caffeinated coffee or tea, I do NOT have the same result, which is why I say I am hooked on the chemicals in diet soda and not the caffeine. And what’s even weirder is that the aspartame in these drinks depletes my body of the mineral magnesium, which would make a person wonder why the body would want more of something that is essentially causing harm… hmmmm? My best educated guess is the drugs!

defeating the mist

Beverages aren’t the only chemical-laden consumables. However, until we have a properly equipped laboratory to identify ALL the harmful ingredients in the items we eat and drink, we will never really know what we are ingesting that continues to ‘call our name’ when we don’t consume it for very long. of time. Despite this, there are things we can do to break the compulsions and ‘clean’; The first thing is to eliminate the phrases ‘organic, natural and/or real food’ and demand that junk food stop being called food. Take a look at the following definitions:

food [ food ]

Nutrient source: material that provides living things with the nutrients they need for energy and growth.
Solid food: substances, or a particular substance, that provide food to people or animals, especially in solid rather than liquid form.
mental stimulus: something that sustains or stimulates the mind or soul
With this in mind, food is NOT what we normally buy unless it is from the meat or produce departments.

Now here is the word pharmacy:

Pharmakeia is the Greek word for pharmacy which literally means “to drug or poison”. The ancient Greeks used this word for their sorcerers who used drugs to produce altered states. When food is diluted with additives and chemicals, it no longer nourishes the body; causing you to go into altered states which then crave more of the same stimulants and/or depressants. The more we allow this to continue, the more Hungarian we become. The best way to overcome what is happening to our food supply is to go back to the ways of our ancestors and eat simply. It’s time to revel in the cleansing and healing benefits of food and choose to consume food once in a while because it’s fun or the “thing to do”; not the other way. Natural, organic and real food is not a luxury; FOOD is a must. Trash is trash, and I dream of the day when corporations have the courage to discredit trash and restore the spiritual well-being of our society by telling the truth.


We have reached the moment in our society to rethink what we consume. Unfortunately this is challenging due to the poisons that fill our bodies; however it is possible. The awareness of what is, is the first step; the second is to make conscious choices that encourage our bodies and minds to heal. In doing so, we will rediscover our voices and continue to make wise decisions. Life is our right and we have plenty of everything we need. By eating whole foods we are supporting the body, reducing the need to consume large amounts. Food manufacturers are no different from street drug dealers. They are cutting off our food sources with additives that cause harmful addictions that perpetuate hunger and the buying cycle. We must not only wake up to what we want, we must wake up and call trash for what it is. We are addicts with limited focus. It’s time to start a war on drugs against the food companies and demand that they bring us back to life!


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