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Tame the terrible tantrums of the two

The terrible twos can be a stressful time for everyone, toddlers seem to start when their moms are busiest. We have all seen the awful tantrums that young children can often throw in public places with their poor mothers trying to cope as best they can. Well, it happens to all of us sometimes, but it can often be prevented. By now your child is developing rapidly and becoming a little character, on good days a lot of mischief, on bad days a frustrated tornado!

My first daughter was a very happy placid child but at times I could see how frustrated she became. She without enough knowledge or language to fully communicate, but wanting to show her independence. I came up with a simple solution that often avoided problems, frustrations, and conflicts.

I began to offer 2 options where it didn’t matter to me, for example when dressing: “Which arm do we put first, the right or the left”? He loved the game, and we both ended up laughing, much better than tears and frustration; she also learned her left from her right. Asked in a relaxed and fun way, this can become a game that can be extended to many areas, it is also a teaching opportunity with a solution. The child feels that he has some control, which is what he craves at this stage of his development, and the heat is taken off the conflict. I’ve since seen this method listed in “options” as an official parenting method, but came up with it by accident, just looking for a solution.

Talking to the kids while you shop is fun for both of you as they grow, keeps them from getting bored, and makes your trip easier and more enjoyable for everyone. For example, “Can you see the tomatoes?” or “Let’s count 6 carrots”, it only takes a few minutes but makes shopping happy. Stimulated children are more likely to enjoy shopping trips and less likely to be bored, irritable, and throw tantrums. It also becomes a learning situation which is an added bonus. If possible, don’t go on shopping trips when your child is tired or hungry and try to include him in the conversation.

I hope these tips will give you some ideas and make your life and shopping trips more fun. you will see an incredible difference in your child and the cooperation you will get. Your little one will be more involved and enjoy shopping and find it less stressful.


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