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Summer fruits and their benefits

Summer has arrived. It is the season for shorts, sunscreen, going to the beach, filling the coolers and many other things. But summer also brings excessive heat and the potential for dehydration. In this season, you need to eat foods that help prevent the conditions mentioned above from occurring. Here are some summer fruits and their benefits.

Watermelon – Plucked only in summer, this big red ball of health is full of water and flavor. The amount of water present in this fruit helps you hydrate and keeps your body cool. Watermelon also acts as a defense and protects your skin from sunburn. You will not have food cravings after consumption, it keeps your stomach full. It is also good for people with high blood pressure, but on a borderline. This should be consumed almost every day in summer.

Oranges – Oranges are the sweetest and juiciest summer fruits, full of nutrients. Orange is low in calories and keeps blood pressure under control. Orange is also a source of vitamin C, which is the most necessary vitamin in your body after an age. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that is also helpful in skin damage caused by the sun’s rays. Not only oranges, but their skin also works wonders on your skin. Brighten your skin tone and erase all scars and undertones.

Mango – Mango is called the king of fruits. There are many reasons for calling it that and one of them is the long list of its benefits. Mango is proven by research to prevent cancer. Mango, when mixed with milk, becomes a source of strength. Mango smoothie boosts immunity and gives you the strength to perform better. The vitamin A present in mango helps with good eyesight and stops night blindness. Mangoes have enzymes that break down protein and improve digestion. Like oranges, mango is also beneficial for the skin. Those pores on the skin that you cannot get rid of, the mango removes them.

Lychee – Although the lychee comes a bit late in summer, it is worth the wait. The flavor and sweetness of the lychee are exquisite, in addition to being a source of nutrients. Apart from flavor, lychee also excels in health factor. It is packed with vitamin B and vitamin C and minerals like magnesium and potassium. It has also been shown to be helpful in asthma. The antioxidants present in Litchi have the ability to fight cancer. Minerals help in proper blood circulation throughout the body. It signals aging and also promotes hair growth.

Peaches – Peaches are also rich in vitamin C. The fiber present in peaches fills you up without gaining weight. Peaches also cure metabolic syndrome. It also reduces the risk of cancer. It is a mixture of all the nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, sugar and rich in several vitamins: A, C, E and K. Although you should try to consume peaches canned in water and not canned in syrup. Peaches with syrup are not as healthy and can spike your blood sugar.


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