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Suboxone saved me and brought me back to life

I am a person in long-term recovery from opiate drug dependence. I am also an entertainer singer, songwriter who has dedicated his life to trying to remove the stigma associated with “the disease of addiction” and show that people can and do recover and can lead positive and productive lives and can be a member taxpayer. of their community and society. I am one person among millions who successfully live as positive and contributing members of communities across the country.

There is a new “miracle pill” called Suboxone (buprenorphine) now available to us that has been shown to be successful in treating opiate dependence. It is the first drug approved by the FDA to treat opioid dependence in more than 20 years.

In the mid-90s I became addicted to hydrocodone (Vicodin, Loritab). Over time, my addiction grew to the point where I was doing illegal things to feed my habit. I tried various ways to overcome and quit this addiction, while my life and relationship with family and career was rapidly going down the drain.

Admitting that I had a problem and that my life was now out of my control, I wanted to get my life back and be free from this addiction, so I turned to Methadone treatment. While on methadone treatment I felt like I was chained to a clinic (which I was) and even though I wasn’t doing illegal things to treat my opiate addiction disease, my life was on hold. I wasn’t doing anything for myself, my family, or my career except exist. My life was about making sure I had the money to go to the clinic and be able to show up “EVERY DAY” during the 3 hours they were open! It was not possible to take vacations or leave town for the weekend because she was chained to the clinic.

My life was no longer “My life”, it was so controlled that I lived every day for my trip to the clinic and my career in the music industry was just a memory.

In late 2004, I heard about Suboxone (buprenorphine) through other patients at the methadone clinic. After hearing rumors at the clinic about this new drug, I was ready for a change.

In January 2005 I found a doctor who had just started a Suboxone treatment program. I was the second patient to join. I was so excited about this possible “new” treatment available, and the hope of regaining control of my life and being methadone free or having to go to a methadone clinic every day sounded too good to be true.

January 2005 I started Suboxone (Buprenorphine) Treatment. After going 3 days without methadone, I was sick and wanted my methadone back.

My first day on Suboxone, (buprenorphine) I felt some relief but I was still sick and wanted my methadone back. The second day before taking my second dose of buprenorphine, I convinced myself that I needed to stay on the methadone (I still wasn’t feeling well), but I stuck with it.
After that third day on Suboxone, methadone never crossed my mind except remembering all the time I had lost during methadone treatment (5 years).

Within 2 months of being methadone free and now taking this “miracle pill” Suboxone, I was back to my old self and pursued my music career like never before, my family life was back to normal and within 2 months I had a contract with recording. and now I was down to the song selection for my “New CD,” “Livin’ Like A Millionaire (Ain’t Got A Tell Me)” with Grammy Award-winning producer Larry Butler (Kenny Rogers, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, to name just a few).

After finishing what was going to be a 10-song CD and reflecting on how my life had changed in such a short time for me (thanks to Buprenorphine) I went back to the studio and recorded a song, “De Primera Mano” and I have committed 100% of this song to drug rehab programs.

I would like to see Suboxone (buprenorphine) as a household name and readily available to anyone who needs it.

I am and will be eternally grateful for Suboxone (buprenorphine).

For the record, with Suboxone YOU ARE NOT TRADING ONE HIGH FOR ANOTHER!

“Thank you Suboxone, you saved me and brought me back to life!”

As I am not an expert, just a testimonial. I will try to give you any advice and any information I have and I will share my experiences with you. Any and all conversations with me will be kept in STRICT Confidentiality.


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