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Stock taker or excuse maker?

There has been a topic in my last week, and it has forced me to answer this question: Am I a stock taker or an excuse maker?

I always thought that I leaned more towards the action side because I read books on personal development. I listen to audio recordings. I attend seminars, as I have come to realize, I don’t actually do as much action as I thought. I hear the phrase ‘knowledge is power’ but in my opinion the phrase should be ‘knowledge is potential power’. It becomes powerful when you use it, otherwise it is just something in your head.

Get out of the comfort zone

I also realized that the most dangerous place you can be is when you feel comfortable. People only act for one of two reasons: inspiration or despair. When I say comfortable, I mean people who earn enough to cover the bills and who can afford the occasional luxury. That is consolation! Those who want a better life but because they “manage” there is no urgency to have to change. The danger here is that these are the same people who, if circumstances changed and they lost their job, would be a paycheck away from despair. In turn forcing change.

Of all the people I have talked to who are succeeding in their life or are now financially free, 95% do so out of desperation. They hit rock bottom and were forced to act, and because they did, their lives are so much richer for it. So when you think nothing is going in your favor, look at it as a bigger force guiding you in the right direction. Because once you hit bottom, there’s only one way you can go, and that’s up! Sometimes you have to clean up the old before building the new.

Assume the responsibility

He used to blame others if he couldn’t do something or if something didn’t turn out his way. Made me late, forgot to bring it. I realized that I have to move on, I can’t blame anyone else if I can’t go to an event because they didn’t come with me. I can’t blame my partner for making me late because he didn’t get up early enough. If I want to be on time, I’ll go first. This is taking responsibility for my own actions.

You cannot trust someone else to do it for you. You are responsible for your own life. It is not the government, your parents, or even your spouse. You must take full responsibility. Until then, you will continue to be part of this culture of guilt in which we live. When you get to a place where there is little outside influence, it won’t matter too much, how much money your partner is making, the state of the economy, or which party is in power. You will be in a position where you know you will be okay.

How bad do you want it?

I realize that there is a big difference between doing something and doing something. It makes me chuckle when I hear people ask for help or advice, and when that advice is given, their response will immediately be: ‘I can’t do that because …’ ‘I don’t have time …’ ‘I can’t afford it. .. ‘why ask in the first place? Trust me, I have learned that when you really want something strong enough, you will make the time, you will find the finances, and you will find a way. You just don’t want it enough. You are an excuse maker! Instead of thinking of ways why you can’t do something, think of ways how.

There are no excuses

I was at an event not long ago and in the end there was an option to purchase a course. I didn’t have to think twice, I had gained so much information in the 2 hours that I had just passed, it was a no-brainer for me. The people who did not want the course left. However, while talking to one of the organizers, I can hear a lady next to me talking to another member of the team. She was explaining how much she wanted to attend the course, but the reasons why she couldn’t! Why did you feel the need to do this? She could have left. It was as if she had to justify herself, saying it out loud! We have become experts in convincing ourselves why we can’t do something that gives us what we want!

To take action

I have heard many successful and inspiring people speak on stage and they all say the same thing: there is nothing special about them. The only difference is that they had a belief and took action.

If you look back at the last year, 5 years, 10 years of your life, how much of that has changed and changed you? How much of that has gone in the direction you wanted it to go? Now if you continue doing what you are doing today, how much of your life is going to change in the next 10 years? Think about it. Every decision you make, every action you do or don’t take, brings you closer to where you want to be or takes you further away. I know I want a big change and that’s why I’m going to stop making excuses, starting today I’m going to be more of a stock taker.


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