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Steroids are simply not NECESSARY!

Whether you’re currently taking steroids, considering taking steroids… It’s probably pretty tough. I mean, your average gym-going guy or girl rarely thinks about playing on steroids. And that’s a good thing!

But still, we hear about professional athletes and steroids, all the time. From Alex Rodriguez’s steroid use to David Ortiz. Heck, even comedian Carrot Top uses steroids. That’s really not a good idea… If you’re trying to be a “fun guy”, getting all fat doesn’t really “work”, just ask Joe Piscopo.

And, it’s pretty common knowledge, these days, the effects of steroids can be devastating. They start out like, just a few pimples and a few tantrums. And, go all the way too, liver, brain, and kidney cancer. Anyone remember Lyle Alzado (Oakland Raiders), this guy was huge, a giant of a man. When he died, he looked like an AIDS patient. That’s what steroids can do… terrifying!

And, as I mentioned in the title… Steroids are no longer necessary. With all the research that has been done regarding muscle tissue enhancement, over the last 10-20 years, we are coming to the conclusion that proper nutrition can easily replace any harmful medication and deliver the results you want.

And, with proper nutrition… I’m talking about just eating your vegetables. I’m talking about superfoods. If you’re currently in the gym scene, or just want to improve your overall appearance and health… you HAVE to start incorporating some of these amazing muscle-building foods into your daily diet.

One of the best and one of the most respected in Chinese medicine is Cordyceps. A fungus that consumes the body of a particular type of caterpillar in the mountainous regions of China, Mongolia, and Tibet (The price of Cordyceps skyrocketed before the recent Olympics in China. Rumor has it that the Chinese government bought all available Cordyceps for their own athletes. They won a record number of metals!).

Next, the Goji Berry… The ONLY known food that helps naturally produce more Hgh (Human Growth Hormone) in the body! That’s right… You don’t need that dangerous and harmful synthetic stuff. Goji berries are a complete source of protein, with 18 different amino acids and 21 trace minerals. It is one of the best superfoods for longevity and strength.

Incorporating just these 2 rejuvenating, muscle-building superfoods into your daily routine… It can change your whole life! And, it couldn’t be easier. Add some Goji Berries and Cordyceps to your next batch of chicken soup and cut down on recovery time between workouts, naturally… It’ll blow your mind. You can also prepare a tea (tonic) with these two superfoods. Or just throw some goji berries in your water bottle. Easy!

Not only can you see immediate results in the gym, with your daily workouts… Over time, instead of ravaging your body and organs with dangerous chemicals, these superfoods will benefit you in many, many ways… a few years of quality to your life!


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