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Spinach the prince of vegetables

Belonging to the hen’s foot family (Amaranthaceae Chenpodiacene), spinach (Spinacia Oleracea) derives its name from the Persian name aspanakh which means green hand which was described by a 12th century Arab Ibn-al Awam as “the prince of vegetables “. author of Kital-al Agriculture (Book of agriculture). It is believed to have originated in Persia, present-day Iran from where it was introduced into North Africa and then migrated to Europe, finally reaching the United States in the early 18th century.

There are three common types of leafy greens; salty like Bloomsdale which is dark green in color with deep folds in its leaves, semi-salty which are hybrids like Catalina with a wrinkled surface, and flat leaf like Red Cardinal with a smooth texture that is generally harvested as tender greens.

Edible, cooked or raw, this delicious vegetable is available from the grocery store fresh, frozen, and canned. Based on a diet of 2,000 raw calories per 1-1 / 2 cup serving size, spinach has 40 calories with 19% fiber of the recommended daily value. Frozen has 20 calories with 8% fiber per 1/3 cup serving, and canned has 30 calories with 8% fiber per 1/2 cup. Aspanakh is ideal for weight loss diets because it has dietary fiber with a low calorie count, no fat, and the iodine it contains helps maintain a normal metabolism.

The downside to aspanakh is that the oxalates it contains can crystallize and cause bladder and kidney stones. If you have trouble with any of them, you may want to consider avoiding this vegetable. Although it can cause stones, Persian green hand has a high nutritional value that provides health benefits for the immune system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurological and visual systems.

The nutritional value of Spinacia Oleracea are vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K; the minerals it has are beta-carotene, calcium, copper, foliated, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium and zinc; In addition, the phytonutrients alpha lipoic acid, chlorophyll, Co Q10, glutathione, lutein, omega-3 and zeaxanthin have flavonoids that behave as antioxidants. This super food has the nutrients that contribute to the overall health of your body.

Oxidation caused by metabolism creates free radicals that damage cells by stealing electrons from their molecules. The antioxidants in spinach protect the body’s proteins and enzymes from attack. Vitamins A and C make it harder for free radicals to attack by fighting cholesterol oxidation. These stubborn molecules play an important role in hyperoxidation and inflammation.

Although Alzheimer’s disease reduces the leaves in the body, spinach can increase them and there is evidence that it minimizes the deterioration of motor function due to aging. The anti-inflammatory compounds in the nutrients help with arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and migraines. There is also evidence that they help slow down the decline in brain function caused by aging.

Magnesium helps lower blood sugar levels, lutein alleviates atherosclerosis inflammation, Co Q10 supports white blood cells, and general heart maintenance is supported by spinach leaves.

In addition, spinach protects the lining of the stomach reducing the risk of ulcers. Foliaceae help the colon in preventing cell damage, and beta-carotene and vitamin C fight damage from destructive free radicals. The antioxidant also cleanses and deodorizes the gastrointestinal tract. Lutein and zeaxanthin are powerful anticancer agents. Extracts from this plant have been shown to slow down the division of cancer cells in stomach cancer and help with coronary heart disease.

Glutathione antitoxins, antioxidants and enzyme cofactors support the maintenance of the immune system. By protecting the eyes from UV rays, the phytonutrients alpha lipoic acid, lutein, and zeaxanthin reduce the risk of cataracts. Vitamin K fuses calcium with the bones and the minerals copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc are building blocks for strong and healthy bones that can prevent osteoporosis in the long term.

To get all the benefits of Spinacia Oleracea, it is best to eat it as fresh as possible and without cooking. If you cook it more, sauté it or simmer it, the longer it cooks, the more nutrients are depleted. Also, raw spinach will lose half its nutritional value in about eight days.

With all the nutritional benefits of spinach, eat a green hand of aspanakh, the prince of vegetables.

© Samuel Vigil 2011


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