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Selection of tiles for kitchen walls

Tiling kitchen wall areas can make a big difference to the appearance of a kitchen. The floors and units may be perfectly fine, but the walls may look tired and in need of a remodel. Tiling your walls can bring your kitchen back to life and there are some great tile ideas and designs to choose from.

Ceramic tile is a great addition to any kitchen area and works well on walls and especially backsplash areas where there is high humidity. Glass tiles are also a great addition and are great for the kitchen because they are great at not absorbing moisture and keeping the kitchen clean. Glass tiles are also great for opening small spaces because they naturally reflect light in any room.

If you keep the design of the floor and countertops, you need to make sure that the tiles you choose blend well with the rest of the décor. Porcelain tile is also extremely popular and is a very durable tile as well as being chip and scratch resistant.

Deciding what design you want is the first aspect of tiling your kitchen, and then getting as much information as possible about the various tiles available. Deciding the type of tile to use is the second aspect and finally thinking about colors and styles. If you are already keeping some of the décor in the kitchen, your tiles will need to match and match the existing décor. There are so many different designs when it comes to mosaics and you can go for a neutral look or you may want to be a little more adventurous and go for brighter, more detailed designs. Many people decide to make a focal point of the backsplash area by including a central design and then matching the rest of the tiles. Other options are to use tiles of different sizes that can make a real design statement for any kitchen.

There is always the option to be a little more adventurous by using more unusual tiles in the kitchen. Slate tiles have a great effect and are becoming popular in both the kitchen and the bathroom. Slate tiles will bring a real rustic effect to the room with their rocky surfaces and they are also very durable. Recycled glass tiles are also another great option and add elegance and style to any area.


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