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Quit Marijuana – Dreams, Memory and Symbolism

Many people starting out on the road to quitting marijuana experience strange and vivid dreams. Some say they are very strange and nonsensical and others describe them as nightmares, but the common element that many who experience such dreams shortly after quitting marijuana is the clarity and vividness of such dreams that have already surprised them. often scared.

I was thinking about this and wondering if it has to do with marijuana and its effect on memory? Many studies have shown that excessive marijuana use can lead to short-term memory loss and, over a longer period, long-term memory loss, as well as distractibility and a general lack of clarity. .

How this relates to memory is that I was reading about how they think dreams are a way for the mind to sort through your memories when you’re asleep, leading to better cognitive functions and better memory clarity.

It seems to me that the chemical processes in your body and mind that occur when you smoke marijuana inhibit memory function and often problem-solving skills as well. When we stop smoking marijuana and the body begins to cleanse THC and other impurities, our brain begins to improve its memory and function again, leading to vivid dreams as the mind works furiously to repair the damage marijuana has caused and maybe they will. it may seem much more real and clear because it has been a long time since a former addict had such dreams.

On the other hand, many people believe in the symbolism of dreams and how they have meaning if you can interpret them and since marijuana is primarily a psychological addiction, there must be a lot of pent up emotions and issues waiting to surface when a drug addict marijuana cleanses itself of the drug and with itself.

Perhaps it’s a mix of both, with marijuana addiction inhibiting memory and brain function and the reasons for being addicted inhibiting people from exploring the psychological issues they face? In any case, I think taking those drinks shouldn’t be something to be scared or scared of, but rather something to embrace when quitting weed as it’s obviously a sign that something is changing and if you’re committed you know quitting weed is a change for the better and your dreams too!


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