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Health Fitness

Quality is more important than quantity in exercise

How you do your reps in your exercise movement is far more important than how many reps you do. Your exercise should focus on quality, not quantity. Because it’s all about quality, you’ll be focused and performing each movement of the exercise with purpose and diligence. It is common practice to go by the number of repetitions. If you modify that practice and go with some other factor (like time), then you’re going to focus on quality. For example, you could try doing 35 second lunges instead of 10 to 12 lunge reps. Later, after you master your form, you can perform reps on lunges.

Also, you can overextend yourself in certain exercises. From my personal experience, I have tried to maximize pull-ups. I ended up hyperextending my shoulder joints. This affected my overall upper body routine. I should have initially focused on mastering my pull-ups. 2-3 reps of good form pull-ups are more beneficial (and safer) than 10-12 forced reps of awkward pull-ups. By keeping my abdominal muscles contracted, keeping my shoulder joint tight and secure, and maintaining my proper form (perhaps testing them using a chair or bench), this would have prevented injuries that could have a lingering effect on his exercise routine. As I found out, your shoulders are a delicate and intricate joint. Requires you to have mobility movements (eg, shoulder rotations) and static stretching (eg, shoulder pulls or hanging from a pull-up bar) with strength exercises (eg, upright rows and pull-ups) ).

This is the lesson of quality, not quantity.

Another example of quality over quantity concerns running. I love running. It is one of the best exercises to speed up metabolism. Now, most people would assume that the longer you run, the better. They would jog, walk or run for hours like a marathon runner. Instead, for your overall fitness, it’s better (and shorter) to do interval runs and sprints. This would be great for your joints and overall fitness. Both a marathon runner and sprinters are excellent athletes. But, I’d rather look like a sprinter than a marathon runner. It’s about quality over quantity.

One last example would be push-ups. I thought and assumed that the more pushups the better. Once you master the push-up movement, you should do more complex and compound push-up movements. It is important to master the pushup movement first. You must keep the abdominal muscles contracted. You must be able to keep your body (for example, your back) straight during the movement. Later, you can do clap push-ups, plyometric push-ups, T-push-ups (or yoga), etc. to challenge and give more quality.


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