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Punching Power: How To Use Knuckle Push Ups To Create Fists Of Steel

This article will give you a quick tip for turning your wimpy fists into concrete slabs with a simple bending technique. Knuckle push-ups are a great way to not only train your upper body, but your fists will thank you too.

Here are some things you need to know about knuckle push-ups:

1. You want your wrists to be straight, in line with your forearm. You should perform a push-up with the first two knuckles of your hand. The thumbs and the other two knuckles should remain off the ground.

two. You want to perform these push-ups on a hard surface, preferably a wood or tile floor. Some maverick martial artists perform these push-ups in gravel parking lots. It must have a hard surface to reap the benefits.

3. Knuckle push-ups should be used in conjunction with makiwara training.. To get the most out of your training, you should also practice your punching techniques in a makiwara. This will produce denser bones in your knuckles and create calluses that will get your hands used to hitting harder surfaces. You can create your own makiwara or buy one bought from a store. Don’t buy the makiwaras which are a wall mounted pad. They will hurt your hand because they don’t bounce.

Four. Practice these pushups at least 2-3 times a week for maximum benefit.. Your hands will slowly get used to this over time, but you’ll quickly lose calluses if you stop doing it for too long.

5. Always stop these exercises if something hurts or you have been injured.. Of course these push-ups are going to hurt a bit. They are not easy to do, and that is the point. However, if you experience extreme pain or excessive bruising, stop immediately and seek medical attention.


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