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Prevention of rollover accidents

A rollover accident is particularly horrifying to experience. With too sharp a turn or poor road maintenance, a vehicle can go off the road, causing a great deal of damage and injury to those involved. However, there are a few things to consider that could reduce the chances of a rollover accident, especially when purchasing an SUV or pickup truck. By understanding the basics of rollover prevention, a driver can increase their chances of staying safe on otherwise treacherous roads or dangerous weather conditions.

To begin with, when purchasing a vehicle, one must consider the physics involved in rollover accidents. A vehicle with a higher center of gravity has a significantly higher chance of rolling over when in a potentially dangerous situation. To stay safe, look for SUVs and trucks that are shorter, lower, and heavier on the bottom. Also, narrower cars tend to have higher centers of gravity, so look for SUVs and trucks with wider wheelsets. These major physical traits can help reduce the risk of a rollover accident in a problem situation.

In addition to purchasing a safe vehicle, drivers can also install an electronic stability control device. These modifications monitor a vehicle’s performance, taking notes on how a driver uses their acceleration, steering, and braking. In circumstances the computer knows to be dangerous, it will take over the vehicle’s systems and correct the problems. In one example of a rollover, an electronic stability control device may compensate for braking and steering, and may be responsible for properly adjusting and returning control to the driver.

If you would like more information about rollovers, how to prevent loss of control of your vehicle, and what happens legally when a driver is at fault for causing a car accident, contact an experienced accident attorney today.


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