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Older boy, younger girl? How alpha males deal with age when attracting younger women

Let me tell you about one of the biggest nightmares you can encounter as a man trying to make a connection with a woman while trying to pick her up.

It starts like this. You are talking to a cute young girl and you can feel the sexual sparks flying. You have a good feeling that she is interested in you. Then suddenly something changes.

You could tell by the worried look on his face. She starts to ask you a question with a very serious tone. “How old are you anyway?”

You’re not exactly sure how to respond. You know that you are a little older than this hot young lady. You answer with your real age and you may realize that she doesn’t like your answer. “You’re too old for me. I just don’t like guys that are much older than me. Sorry.”

All his interaction with her ends abruptly. You’re not exactly sure what the correct answer would have been. You don’t want to lie about your age. That’s just ridiculous and it’s very easy to get caught.

On top of that, you know that because of your age you have something much deeper to offer than a young man who doesn’t know what he’s doing in bed. If only you could make her see things in this light.

Obviously, this is a big kick to your ego, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, when framed just right, you can flip the switch and increase his desire for you. It all depends on how you handle your answer.

If you ever want the chance to do it with a much younger woman, you need to know how to set this framework. You need to know how to handle questions about her age.

If you do, you can date women who are much, much younger than you.

I am attracted to women who are older than me and younger than me. But the game is different with younger women. You have to know how to handle both sides of the age spectrum.

So let me teach you a secret that will help you handle any younger girl’s age objection. This secret will allow you to quickly turn his concern for your age into attraction.

To really understand the secret and use it to its fullest, you need to understand something important about female psychology and the subject of age.

For most guys, age is not a big problem. In fact, like a fine wine, men are often considered to get better with age.

But this is simply not true for women. Society sees a woman’s age as a time bomb. Now, to be fair, I personally am totally attracted to older women and find society’s views on a woman’s age ridiculous. Just say.

But that’s not the way our culture works, unfortunately. For women, age is one of the most important aspects of their existence. Two women’s looks and aging are one in the same.

I’m sure as a man you understand that it’s considered rude to ask a woman her age. Have you ever thought why this is considered so rude?

Because women are very aware of their age. They don’t want to admit how old they really are. When women think of their age, they are thinking of a giant clock that does nothing but count down until when they will go from looking attractive to not attractive.

And the fact is that there is some truth to why they feel that way. I’m not saying it’s correct, I’m just saying it’s evolution.

As a woman ages, she knows that her ability to give birth is reduced. She knows that as she gets older, men won’t find her as attractive anymore.

Just take a moment and think about how many older women are actually considered sex symbols. The truth is that there is not much. In fact, most of the time when you look at an older woman who is still attractive, you subconsciously tell yourself “she must have been very hot when she was young”. Sad but true.

For my part, I find this attitude disgusting. But unfortunately I do not represent the whole society.

Now take a moment and think about the older male sex symbols. Brad Pitt is in his 40s, just like George Clooney, but women still find these guys super attractive.

And the interesting thing is that most women don’t even think about how old these guys are. Your age is simply not an issue. They’re hot, and their age just isn’t part of the equation.

So the point to be taken seriously is when it comes to the question of age, hold the higher ground. Your age shouldn’t be a problem.

How do I know that your age should be important when interacting with a woman? Because I’ve had women who were 20 years younger than me choose to sleep with me, cook for me, clean for me, and entertain me.

What you have to understand is that when a woman mentions your age, she is subconsciously concerned about her age. When she tells you how old you are, it means that she is very aware of how old she is.

To put it in simple terms, her age is a bigger issue for her than yours is for her.

So let’s get back to how you handle this. He tries to respond with something like “my age? You’re the one that’s too old for me. You have to be like 88 in girl years.”

Sit back and watch his reaction. She will ask you what you mean by “girl years”.

Tell her that most women peak around age 21. By the time women turn 23, they are on the decline. They go to the territory of the old women. This should be considered old. Ask her if she already wears granny panties.

You will most likely respond by laughing. This is the exact answer you want. By making fun of her, you have let her know that you are aware of her own insecurities.

This taunt actually shows that you “get it.” And I should reassure her with you.

When you combine this with the fact that you are making fun of her, you become the prize. You have completely reframed the issue of age. And now she wants to show you that she is “young”.

This is the perfect way to bring it to your bedroom. She’ll want to show you that she’s not old and that she’s still a lot of fun.


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