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Manage your audiobook collection with your computer

Many of us praised the invention of digital cameras because we could now take as many photos as we wanted without fear of developing multiple rolls of film at great expense. But with this new technology, we can’t seem to stop taking pictures. And those images keep piling up on our computers, rarely seen and rarely sorted. With the new invention of audiobooks and digital files for audiobooks, your audiobook collection is just as likely to be lost on your computer and never fully used. Instead of wasting money on books you never read, maybe it’s time to organize your files in a more productive way.

Make sure you have enough space

There is nothing more frustrating than finding out that your computer’s memory is full. You may want to download an audiobook to your audiobook collection, but you can’t because you have too much on your hard drive. Instead of pulling out another flash drive (which you could lose too easily), it’s time to check your computer’s memory to make sure it can store your audiobooks. On a PC, go to the Computer Menu and then click on the hard drive you are using for storage, usually C. Right click on this folder and then you will see the disk space you have left. If you have too much space on your computer’s hard drive, your computer will run too slowly and you’ll have trouble adding more audiobooks to your personal collection.

Organize the books you already have

With audiobook organizer software, you can easily manage your audiobook collection on your computer. This software will allow you to sort your titles by title or by author or even by genre. By doing so, you may start to see some audio files that you don’t necessarily want to keep. When you see these files, you can choose to delete them, giving you more space for more audiobooks. This software can also help you find audio book files on your computer if you haven’t saved all of them in one location, a common mistake for new computer users. The catalog you create with this software can be easily updated as you see fit, while also giving you the opportunity to see which books you still want to purchase and download.

With your audiobook collection under control, you can take full advantage of this wonderful technology. Whether you listen to your books on a CD or on an mp3 player, you’ll always know what books are available and what you still need to ‘read’ when you have down time during a workout or on the way home from work. Instead of ‘losing your books to disorganization, let your computer do all the work. Sure, you may need to enter some information at the beginning, but when you’re done; audiobook software will organize and organize it efficiently.


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