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Make your makeup last all day

What’s worse than spending hours putting on your makeup, knowing it can only last a few hours? Many of us have struggled to make our makeup last longer. Below are some tips and advice to make your makeup last longer.

Care your skin

A painter always chooses a new, smooth and clean canvas for his paintings. Likewise, before putting on makeup, it is important that our skin is clean, moisturized and hydrated. If your skin isn’t healthy and clean, then your makeup won’t look good and it won’t stay on for long either. Drinking plenty of water is essential for good healthy skin. For the exterior, we must choose the right products that address our concerns.

Cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing are essential steps in achieving great skin. These steps should be included in everyone’s skin care regimen for clear, healthy skin.


Primer is a base coat for all your makeup. Use primer on both face and eyes. Helps prevent makeup creasing and is a great way to make makeup last longer. There are many primers out there depending on your requirements and preferences. Whether you want a shimmery one or a matte one, there are all kinds of primers for different skin types.

Always apply foundation first

Many women tend to apply concealer first, then foundation. This is the wrong approach, which is why both apply. The concealer is applied with smooth movements, while the foundation is dragged and blended all over the face. Also use an oil free foundation. If you apply concealer first, all of the concealer will wash away with the foundation, resulting in an uneven makeup application.

remove excess oil

Although extra oily and hydrated skin has its wrinkle and fine line reduction benefits, it gives the appearance of oily skin. No makeup looks good or lasts long if you have oily skin; it only results in the makeup running. Always carry face powder and blotting paper with you so you can continue removing oil and shine from your skin. This step will not only make your makeup last longer, but it will also ensure that your makeup looks good.

Avoid touching your face

We literally use our hands all the time, so a lot of dirt and oil accumulates on our hands. If you are in the habit of touching your face a lot, then you are transferring that oil and dirt to your face. By avoiding touching your face, you manage to minimize the fat on your face and keep your makeup intact. The more you touch your face, the more your makeup will come off, which will make your makeup ruin and come off sooner. If you are in the habit of touching your face, you can use a setting spray, this will reduce your urge to touch your face and keep your makeup in place.

Use the right tools

If you think that having the best products will result in great and long-lasting makeup, you are wrong. Makeup tools are just as important as makeup products that affect how long your makeup lasts. Using quality brushes and sponges will ensure good coverage and blendable makeup.

loose powder

Using loose powder to set your makeup is a great option when you don’t want to feel like you added something extra to your skin. A small amount of loose powder goes a long way with a brush and reduces oiliness and shine on the skin. You can also layer your cream or liquid based products with a matching powder.


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