
Innovation right here


Live, laugh, love and most importantly learn

Life is the most precious gift we receive as human beings. Every day should be cherished and I have found that this is something that we as a society in general need a little more practice to achieve. We must make the most of every hour/minute/second that we breathe and fill our lungs with air and that is something that is simply not done on average. Our day should be filled with the joy of going out and living life and not just the act of forced survival. I am going through my own transformation due to many changing circumstances and have realized this concept very well. I have found a mantra that seems to work well for me. The easiest way to put my journey into words is to Live/Laugh/Love and most importantly LEARN. Here is a brief description of what I have found to really work.

Letting go of external worries and negative stress that we create for ourselves is one way I have found to begin this process and it has already made a world of difference. I try to wake up every morning and wonder what the day will bring me and what my muses have to give me today. There was a time not too long ago when I, too, wished I could spend my time in bed sleeping, letting the world go by and not having to fight any more than I had to…but not anymore. Every day something is giving me a reason to grow, to mature… and to CHANGE. When we take responsibility for the things we have control over and just give the universe the things we don’t have… our lives tend to work better and give us that inner joy that for most of my life at least, seemed to be lacking. I don’t want to see this happen to another living soul as it is exhausting and extremely painful…hence my decision to reach out and help. One day our time on this earth will end and we will be more consumed in our last moments with the things we didn’t do in our lives versus the things we actually accomplished.

The laughter part seems to be next in this equation… I honestly believe that the more we laugh, the better we feel both mentally and physically. Ever since I opened my mind and heart to the possibility of change and enjoyed it, I have laughed and smiled more than I can remember doing in my entire 37 year existence. It can be anything we choose to see the humor that can get us going… Lately I have found that learning to laugh at myself and feel good about it has been a great eye opening experience. Laughter brings joy and joy brings life.

As John Lennon said, “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE.” He loves others… learn to love and respect yourself… and just give the world at least one hug daily. What you give to the world comes back to you tenfold without even trying most of the time and that is a proven fact. I remember the old saying One has more bees with honey than vinegar and I am learning more and more each day how true this sentiment is… even more important when dealing with ourselves.

One thing I will never stop doing in my life is learning. Everything happens to us for a reason. People come into our lives to affect us in one way or another, and despite everything, we must realize that change is inevitable. However, it is how we choose to grow and the things we choose to learn and recognize that have the ability to set us apart.

Simply put, my transformation has been a definite 360 ​​from where I was just three months ago and I’m not even close to being ready to stop. I have adopted this blueprint as discussed above for my life and each day I will see my journey one step closer to completion. If taking the road to positivity and change can help me… then of course no soul has gone too far. Take my strategies and even create some new ones for yourselves and realize that the time to create is now. A new year, a new life… and even at the end of the day… a new you.


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