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Learn Spanish with audiobooks: 3 alternatives

Today, many people prefer to learn Spanish with audiobooks instead of taking traditional Spanish classes. When learning Spanish or any foreign language, keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be a boring and tedious job. Even for beginners, there are many ways to make it a more enjoyable learning experience. With this in mind, learning Spanish should not only be learned through boring textbooks, but also through an audible method. Arguably, there is no better way to learn the language than by taking audio courses. These are three of the many audio courses that are available on the market today.

1. Spanish Pimsleur

Pimsleur Spanish is probably one of the most popular Spanish audio courses today. Pimsleur Spanish implies that you must learn a language in the same way that you learned to speak English as a child. Course developer Dr. Pimsleur proved that it is much easier to learn languages ​​in small chunks. With this in mind, each Pimsleur Spanish lesson is only 30 minutes long. This duration is long enough to get your brain going, but not too long to overwhelm you.

2. Learn Spanish like crazy

This audio course stands out from the rest because it uses native speakers throughout the course and emphasizes where the Course Founder describes as “down to earth” Spanish. The benefit of this is that you will learn to speak Spanish in a more conversational way rather than the traditional rigid and direct version of Spanish that most audio courses offer. Somewhat similar to the Pimsleur method, except that this course provides more advanced grammar and vocabulary than Pimsleur. This method is ideal for the student who wants to learn to speak a highly conversational version of the language.

3. Synergy Spanish

Most people like Synergy Spanish for the speed it offers. This is the course to get if you plan to go to Spain or any Spanish speaking country for a short visit or a vacation and you just want to know the basics. As this course is more like a guide for a traveler who needs to know the basics enough to communicate with anyone, it does not ask you to learn really long word lists and all the grammar.


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