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Integration of language lessons: SDG 2030 – Here are some tips

The good thing is that we have many resources to make the world a better place to live. Inclusion mantra. Yes, if we want a peaceful world, everyone, without exception, should have their safe spaces, and no issue about their uniqueness should be held against them by the thugs around them.

Ignorance is rampant.

Even those who are called in the position of power. Sad thing, many have already suffered from their excesses. Many have fallen victim to their greed, rudeness and the like.

Have a good trip to those who have left, bring with you your prejudices and narrow-mindedness.

The Sustainable Development Goals are great ways to make this world accessible to all beings, not just the majority who think they are privileged to be patronized, favored and can always get away with their bad deeds.

As a conscientious person, this should be something to ponder. Why are there selfish, hateful and greedy people; yet pretending to be good, kind, and sane?

To help the global initiative gain momentum by sharing wisdom on how to make the world a better place for all, teachers are strong advocates of this mantra of overcoming ignorance and enabling action against climate change, poverty , pollution, overpopulation and the like. Yes, in our hands are the solutions to all our problems, especially in this difficult time when COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on our sanity, economy and the entire racket of our existence.

Here is an integration of actionable lessons from the SDGs 2030 and beyond.

1. manipulator

A deck of cards with SDG symbols printed on them can be a lot of fun in a language lesson. Choose a card and say a word, phrase, or sentence about it. In this way, a beginning English learner could practice her language skills and have fun with other learners around her. More of this kind of game could be done in the classroom; yes, they are having deep learning once they can share their own insights on these 17 insights to raise awareness and who knows, they might as well be advocates in the near future.

2. Write stories or poems

Say, after they’ve been presented with a video about a tsunami wreaking havoc in a coastal country or something, floods or landslides in progress caught on video camera or something, students could write their own idea about the importance of conserving natural resources rather than letting people with an insatiable appetite for power, money, and influence plunder the forest for timber, the mountainous areas for mining, and so on. We have many stories where this type of abuse to our environment occurs every hour every day despite the effort of those people to protect them from such selfish and abusive individuals.

3. Role play

Stories or news about war, conflicts due to different beliefs, and all are good avenues for students to gain insight into social and political dynamics. Yes, when an individual is exposed to the real scenario, the difficulties faced by people in areas with war, political conflict and the like, he or she can empathize with her sad situation and might do something towards the impending war or conflict. It takes courage to light a fire of illumination, a small action for others to see what is coming, and more actions that can have an impact on all sane people and help. In the search for a peaceful world, free from violence through acts of terrorism, hate, etc., every citizen of the world has the opportunity to collaborate, be an agent of change and bearer of light against ignorance and everything.

Well, there really is a lot of wisdom to be gained from learning about global issues, addressing ways on how to contribute to this global effort towards a better world, a better life, and a more meaningful journey, for one and all.

What we have to do is be open to change. It could be key to making our world kinder, healthier and better, for all of us.


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