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How to use Google to find the owner of a phone number

To find free information about someone based on their phone number, your first point of call might be no one but Google. Because Google is such a large tool, it has access to information from the far reaches of the Internet, allowing it to find information about people based on their phone number.

To find out if someone’s details are online, Google is the site to help you find them, and this article is to help you do that. To find the information, you must first type “phonebook: xxx-xxx-xxxx” into the Google.com search box where the phone number is in place of the “x’s”. This will search a directory of landlines listed across the country and, if successful, return the name and address of the phone number you searched for.

This service is not only free, but also fast and can be very effective… however, the quality of the information (last update) and the success rate is VERY low for this search. Because the information you’re looking for is compiled from a huge public database that hardly anyone bothers to update, your results prove it.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for using that method, you need to type your phone number in “quotes” in the Google search box. Because the quotation marks will help the search engine find the exact term on websites, they will give you a more detailed look at exactly what is there. By pressing “Search”, you will be presented with a page with the most relevant results that, in theory, should contain information about the owner of your phone number.

If you go through the results and try to see one that has the details you’re looking for in it and then do the same for the next 3 pages, you should soon see if it worked or not. Most likely, to be honest, it wouldn’t have worked because finding complete, high-quality information this way is not ideal nor is success guaranteed.


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