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How to treat candida and cure it

What Causes Candida?

Prescription drugs and antibiotics are the most common cause of Candida, or a yeast infection, but there are other root causes as well. Diet can play an important role in how Candida develops, and diet can also treat it to some degree. Those with autoimmune disease are also prone to recurring infections.

When the body’s pH balance is lost, that’s when a problem develops. Candida Albicans can also contribute to unexplained weight gain. By doing a thorough cleaning of the system, you can effectively treat Candida.

Heavy metal toxicity contributes to Candida overgrowth, because this natural fungus works to protect the body from these elements to some degree. Heavy metal removal will certainly help. Your doctor can determine if you have high levels of metal in your system.

Treating Candida

You must increase the levels of good bacteria in your body to treat candida. This involves making some changes to your diet. If you suffer from chronic yeast infections, you must drastically modify your diet if you want any relief.

Foods to Avoid

Old cheese
Dried fruit
Any sweetener
Lactose or sucrose
Fresh fruit

Eat these foods

Raw garlic
Protein foods / beef, chicken / eggs / fish
Live yogurt cultures
Green algae
Rice and oatmeal

By avoiding simple carbohydrates, you won’t feed the multiplying yeast cells. Avoid bad foods for at least three months and if your symptoms go away, you can slowly reintroduce other foods. But be sure to eat plenty of yogurts that contain active cultures to treat candida strongly.

This is a diet that can be very difficult to follow, as it also includes ketchup, mustard, and other products that contain vinegar and sugar. (To avoid) But if you want long-term, permanent relief, it will be worth the effort.

Another way to stimulate good bacteria is to take probiotic and acidophilus supplements daily and eat as much garlic as you can. Also drink plain water and avoid alcoholic beverages, especially beer.

Microbial herbs

Here is another way to treat candida. Go to your health food store and buy a combination of microbial herbs and phytochemicals that come in formulas. Take them for fifteen days and then five days off. Repeat as needed. Stopping for five days will prevent the yeast from becoming immune to the treatment.

Once you start getting your candida under control, you will feel a big difference in how you feel. The itchy skin will go away and some will find that the mood swings heal too, as an overabundance of candida can affect mood.


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