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How to tell if your resistance bands are breaking or wearing out

For people just starting out with resistance bands, one of the things that is hard to get used to is how far you can pull the bands. It’s natural to think that when you stretch something, it will weaken and then break. However, resistance bands are not as easy to break as some people might think.

Resistance bands can generally be stretched to 300% of their “resting” size before there is any risk of damaging the band. So if you have a resistance band that’s about 6 feet long, you can stretch it until it’s 18 feet long before you have to start worrying about the band. Unless you’re some kind of alien with insanely long arms and legs, the actual rubber and elastic part of the band that breaks with normal use isn’t something you need to worry about.

However, bands can break or become weak if improperly stored or used. Resistance bands should not be stored in places where the temperature is extreme, such as in the trunk of a car, for long periods of time. You also need to be careful about how you wear your bands. When placing them on a door or wrapping them around an object, you want to make sure the band doesn’t get caught. It should easily fit through the door anchor or around a post. Do not insert part of the resistance band into a door and then close the door on the band!

When a resistance band fails, it’s most often at the point where the band and handles connect. For clip-on bands, the hook system can bend if not used correctly, and applying force at the proper angle can cause the hook to fail. Many handles are attached to the hook system by fabric. This fabric will wear naturally over time, but should last for years if stored properly.

Before you use your resistance bands, take a few seconds to inspect for any signs of wear. For handles and ankle straps, look for bent metal or fabric that is unraveling. For actual rubber or elastic bands, look for tears and signs of “scarring” where the band turns white where it was pinched or overstretched at a particular spot. If the band shows signs of wear, it should be replaced. Many manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty on their bracelets, so it’s just a matter of mailing in your old one and getting a replacement.

With proper care and storage, your resistance bands should last for several years. Always inspect your bands before using them, it only takes a few seconds. When you’re done with your workout, make sure your bands are properly stored in a loop and try to keep them out of the trunk of your car for long periods of time. Also be sure to use your door anchors correctly and don’t put anything heavy and sharp (like the end of a table) on your risers.

Exercise bands are a great way to lose weight and stay fit. Although they are less expensive than other exercise equipment, they should be cared for to last as long as possible. Proper use and storage of your bracelets can keep them looking good for years.


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