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How to successfully clean bathroom tiles

We all want our bathrooms to sparkle and shine. This is especially true for businesses that cater to visitors, guests, and customers. Even at home, bathroom hygiene is critical to your comfort and quality of life. Also, the tiles in the bathrooms are not just on the floors; It is also commonly installed on walls, countertops, and showers. This means that keeping your bathroom tiles clean is a multifaceted responsibility.

Fortunately, there are several approaches to successfully cleaning tile floors and surfaces. However, learning the safest and most effective methods to remove mineral buildup can provide a more thorough, safe, and hygienic clean. Read on to catch up on some of these tips and recommendations for safe and effective bathroom tile cleaning.

Tips for Mineral Buildup Removal and Tile Cleaning

Regular cleaning is the best way to reduce mineral buildup and extend the life of your bathroom floor, walls, and other tiled surfaces. There are many cleaning agents on the market today that can be used for regular bathroom tile cleaning; some of which may be chemical free, eco-friendly and safe for children.

With thousands of cleaning products to choose from, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. If you prefer an easier approach, you can simply use common household products to clean tile and floor surfaces. Here is a great guide to refer to on tile cleaning and sanitizing:

This is what you will need:

  • Calcium removal product (i.e. CLR, Lime Away, etc.)
  • painter’s knife
  • Toothbrush
  • Grout Cleaner (i.e. Grout Bully, Goo Gone Bathroom Cleaner, OXY-Grout Tile Cleaner, etc.)
  • Hot water

This is what needs to be done:

  1. Generously spray the calcium removal product on the wall and floor tiles.
  2. Let stand for five minutes.
  3. Use a painter’s blade to gently scrape off large accumulations of minerals. Hold the blade at an angle and push it at an angle through the tile.
  4. Apply grout cleaner to the grout.
  5. Allow grout cleaner to sit for 10 minutes.
  6. Scrub the grout vigorously with a toothbrush.
  7. Rinse with copious amounts of hot water.
  8. Repeat weekly.

Cleaning and disinfecting bathroom floors, walls, and countertops at least weekly is strongly recommended. This prevents tile stains, mineral buildup, mold buildup, and odors. You can easily extend the life of your bathroom floors and counters by implementing routine maintenance and cleaning.

Sometimes tile floors are at the point of no return; no matter how much you clean it, the floor remains dull, damaged, and ultimately unattractive. If this sounds like your bathroom floors, it may be time to consider a bathroom remodel. Contact a trusted local bathroom remodeling contractor for professional advice and service.


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